AMA WITH BERNARD HENRY,(Founder at Digital Dollar Coin)organized by ethx co

Amit Kumar
Published in
5 min readJul 18, 2019

AMA conducted on 17th July 2019 at (8 pm IST) about “ Using Blockchain technology to achieve Sustainable goal “

Bernard is a highly motivated, tech-savvy IT/Project Manager, Administrator, Researcher, Training & Development Specialist, and Adjunct Professor with Project Management credentials and 20 years’ experience in accounting, management, leadership, and IT operations. He teaches technology-related courses at Pace University — one of New York City’s top university. He is a Systems Analyst for the New York City Department of Education, the largest Department of Education in the United States. He has been working with Cryptocurrencies for six years and has shared a long history in renewable energy and conservation. He has a passion for these ideas and hopes to make a difference with the help of DDCT tokens.

He took part in an AMA with cryptocurrency and Blockchain community


  1. What was the idea that motivated you to create DDCT?

As noted from the above introductory posting, I believe that a community of practice is likely the best way to get a body of minds that share similar ambitions. Given that I have a passion for sustainability and renewability, I thought it worthwhile to give it a shot.

2. What is the current status of your ICO?

I went straight to the market because of the difficulty with doing ICO from NY. There is nothing to say only one approach work. We sometimes have to have the guts to be different. The feedback so far is very good.

3. Your website seems a little old and shady, can you explain the project here and how it contributes to the digital economy or environment?

I’m not sure what you mean by shady. Designs vary and tastes vary. As with every digital project, the market helps to determine its final impact. The hope here is to have a body of like minds own the currency and then to have a select group drive sustainability and renewability through a community of practice — I was thinking that maybe through a conversion to a not for profit eventually and through service. Of course, that’s only one suggestion. In addition, I work with the United States government — I can’t afford to be shady if that’s your intention to point a finger at me.

4. The market today is completely red, do you expect this bloodbath to continue? What’s the bottom you see for 2019?

If the disruption continues in the “real” economy, as seems to be the case, especially with some of the economic decisions coming from here in the US, the digital currency is one that always rebound in such circumstance due to its independence from these central banks. One can only hope for a balance between the two but don’t ever think that fluctuations will not continue — that’s a feature of laissez-faire and free economies.

5. Given the stance of SEC, how would you classify your token — utility or security and why?

There is an article that is linked on the website detailing the previous position of the SEC. They have not concretized their new perspective as yet. Until they do that, I will refrain from associating the word investment with the tokens, they are tradeable commodities as are any other items of value. However, there is a conference this evening being put on by the Pepper Hamilton LLP company, which I will be attending to get more clarification on this. However, I do have brokerage license, so the most it would mean for me is to upgrade to a Series 65 license.

6. What are your thoughts on Libra?

I have not been following the news on Libra. What specific area are you thinking of? Like every country, each country will try to pursue its mission and others will disagree. This is where diplomacy matters — for all countries.

7. Which ICOs have you invested in the past?

Trading in any currency, digital or fiat is a way of increasing one’s wealth. If enough people will buy into the ambition, that’s the easiest way to group like minds and collaborate. This does not preclude those who only wish to increase their wealth from trading.

8. My first aha moment with crypto was when I had run the mining software on my PC, which was yours?

I ran a few mining s/w. I mined bitcoin, litecoin, dogecoin, peercoin, and maybe one or two more. It was interesting. However, that is one of the reasons for this coin. Trading is less stressful for the economy than mining. There is hardly a need for mining anymore, ceteris paribus, but things change slowly.

9. Just in a few hours, the hearing on Libra is about to begin, do you expect anything positive to come out of it?

There is the catch 22 problem because congress was quite fine with cryptos not being security but like Facebook, with its influence globally decides to join the market, congress has a problem. That is partly due to the last election here in the US and the conflict of interest that each major party has developed with each other (Democrats & Republicans). This hearing will be stormy with two opposing views throughout. In the end, the market will likely help the outcome eventually.

10. What your tech specialization?

I assume this is an aside question. I am a systems analyst and technology project manager. It is, therefore, my job to look at issues and devise solutions. I believe that’s my intention for introducing DDCT.

11. What do you see apart from Bitcoin? which Crytptocurrency would gain?

Well currently, ETH has the greatest advantage and that is why its original intent has so drastically changed. Over time it will be the number one modus. That is why ETH compliant tokens are the way to go. The others are, to a large extent, hype and good marketing. Not that you should underestimate good marketing.

12. If not via DDCT, how would you be solving the current problems?

It requires a community of practice with enough interest. So whatever means you choose to establish a community of practice, is worthwhile. However, establishing that community is not easy and therefore you would want to have the interest to establish a common bond, hence my rationale for DDCT — to create that common interest and bond.

Thanks, everyone, for Reading

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