AMA With Stoyan Angelov, Co-Founder at evedo organized by ethx co

Amit Kumar
Published in
5 min readMar 26, 2019

On 13th of Feb 2019, Stoyan Angelov Conducted AMA on “Business Development ,Strategy &Blockchain technology.”

Stoyan Angelov, Co-Founder at

Stoyan Angelov,Founder and CEO of — the first in the world ecosystem and marketplace for event organizers, performers, rental companies, sponsors, night clubs and venues and attendees.

He took part of an AMA with cryptocurrency and Blockchain community —


  1. Can you please share your experience and journey with evedo?

I am more than happy to see you here asking questions about
10 months ago the idea for Evedo was born because of my experience with my other businesses which are: — event company;
Gramophone Club Sofia I co-owner of a night club in the center of Sofia, Bulgaria ( it is a venue for many events); — I am a founding member of this blockchain project
Many more other event & entertainment projects that I was involved with. Check my bio here:

When the idea came alive I started looking for a ROCKSTAR team and I am more than happy that I found them all in very short notice. Check them all here:
We start thinking about how the blockchain technology could change the way we do events and how technology could solve very key industry problems. And here we are — ten months later we figured this out

Now we are almost ready with our Alpha version. We have an ongoing private token sale. We have almost finished the blockchain dev part of the project and we have started on boarding a lot of early adopters for our b2b & b2c marketplaces. A bunch of great advisers also are behind us now which helps and motivate us a lot!:)

2. How Events management company can implement Blockchain technology ?

We are using the blockchain technology to secure the payments and relationships between the business participants in an event happening. The way we do that is by using Smart Contracts.
B2B — smart contract for every payment between the partners ( event organizers, venue owners, performers, rental companies & vendors, sponsors
B2C — every ticket purchase is locked into a smart contract, as well.

3. Which side of business development has been more challenging for you — B2B or B2C?

Everybody is doing B2C because is the “easier” part of the business — ticket sales. The most challenging for us is to collect all the businesses in one marketplace and to motivate and guide them to work together. We have a strategy for this and we have build a substantial part of the platform.

evedo Team

4. Why does the event organisation space need blockchain? Isn’t it working well with a centralized environment?

My personal opinion is that the blockchain technology will touch every aspect of business and life. Here are some problems that we solve in our industry using it: Ticked Fraud & Black Market Sellers Artist Management related problems Time loss Lack of funding for a future event.

5. How did you decide the total token quantity and price per token?

The price of the token during the main event will be 2000 EVED = 1 ETH.
The price is calculated by us after we consult this with a couple of experts for this ( Financial & Blockchain Experts )
It is important also to know that the token is ERC20 with Decimal 18.

6.Why did you choose to raise funds via ICO instead of the conventional funding rounds?

We believe in the new way of funding of global projects. Doing an ICO is the best way to grow the international community, to raise enough money for the next 3 years and to create a worldwide customer base.

ethx co

7. Limited following on social media especially Telegram does raise a red flag, don’t you think?

I think that it is better to grow your community organically. Having a sustainable core community will be beneficial in the long run for the project. We have a strategy for growing all our social media in place already. So stay tuned in the following months:)

8. What sets your team apart?

Check our dream team here: We are fully dedicated to the project and we are experts in our own departments. Check also our amazing advisory board! Just to name a few of them:
Yoni Yunger — Director @ Millenium Films Holliwood
Sajid Kausar — CEO @
Nikola Alexadrov — CEO @
Peter Bankov — CEO @
and many more…

Team evedo

9. Strictly from investment standpoint, what advantage do I get for holding your token in long term?

Our token is UTILITY token. The tokenomics behind the token are strictly related to the growth of the platform. As much people use it — as more the value increase. Every ticket sale, for example, is locked into a smart contract until the end of the event. These tokens are out of circulation for that period.

10. Where do you see evedo five years from now?

We see evedo as a major player in the event organizing industry. Providing our 0% commission for ticketing we see our b2b & b2c marketplaces grown on a global scale providing value for all the users involved in.

11. Do you think it would have been easier to do an ICO a year back?

I have experience with doing an ICO 2 years ago and it was definitely easier to do it. Now I think that only real and valuable projects with real potential will survive:)

Thanks everyone, for the amazing session. Stay tuned for our upcoming AMAs and don’t forget to check out our past AMAs- and feel free to join our Facebook — and check ethx co


