Share your Opinion with Ethx

Amit Kumar
Published in
2 min readNov 2, 2019

This is a weekly series, where we collecting opinions from thoughts leader across Blockchain and Crypto community.

Question of the week

  1. What’s your take on regulation? why government authorities have a different idea about Crypto?

Expert View-

Expert Name- Mauro Biasolo ( Blockchain Expert, Founder at ScientificCoin inc)

Linkedin profile-

Big countries have 2 main goals when regulating: taxes and lobbying interests. So, it’s hard they can easily adapt their capital markets laws. It’s much easier for smaller countries applying 0 (or similar) level taxes like Malta, Liechtenstein and the likes. they can adapt easily to new technology frameworks and hope to get a better share of the forming industry. By the way, as usual, countries like the USA, China, France, Germany. The UK will be forced to adapt at one point and they will definitely mark the real adoption. Sometimes, boiling down a bubbling market through legislation is not bad at all (especially if the real target is to protect small fishes).

Expert Name — Sharansh Sharma ( Blockchain Expert, Writer, investor )

My View on Regulation, the regulation should be for the consumer not on Technology, there can be a regulatory perspective on technology on the moral side also and I think moral perspective should be too good benefits of the society, that ‘s where the focuses should be of the regulators and if the cryptocurrency or the Blockchain and the technology behind that can provide some platforms for that . Most of Govt authorities hesitate about Crypto because most of them are not able to understand how does it works and its new things I think it's a bit speculative for them also things like Bitcoin reduce the need for a financial intermediary.

Thanks for reading

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