Maximizing Developer Workflows using Lance and Claude 2

Leon Yee
Published in
7 min readAug 7, 2023
drcode, our hackathon project
drcode, our hackathon project


Just a few days ago, I went to Anthropic’s Hackathon, where hackers utilized their Claude 2 APIs to build some amazing programs and projects. My team and I got together to build an automatic GitHub bot, drcode, that scours a repository and suggests code optimization and readability changes — effectively doubling your productivity and cleaning up your codebase.

However, I’m not here to showcase our hackathon project; I’m excited to delve deeper into the fascinating ways to utilize these technologies.

Currently, large language models (LLMs) have a limited context window, requiring a sacrifice of important material in order to make room for context. In these kinds of situations, dynamic context retrieval can be difficult, because of how little you can input. But in the war between retrieval augmented generation and context windows, why don’t we choose both? Claude and LanceDB allow us to do just this, retrieving relevant information from embedded vector stores, and providing this context into Claude’s 100k token context window. In our case, we fetched parts of the documentation for each line in the codebase to fill up this large context window.

A slide on what our program will do

A breakdown

A workflow of our hackathon project.
Our project workflow

As an example, I’ll take the program that we worked on during Anthropic’s Hackathon. This is the workflow of how it operates:

  1. drcode first downloads all the documentation of a certain programming language, and passes it through Claude to summarize each of the files. For our project, we only downloaded the Python documentation.
  2. We then pass all the data that Claude outputs into LangChain, a framework for developing LLM applications, utilizing one of LangChain’s functions to recursively split the data by character. This basically just means that it tries to split chunks of text until it’s a small enough chunk size.
  3. Then, we use a sentence transformer called Transformers.js, from HuggingFace. This function just embeds all the text into a 384-dimensional vector space. LanceDB accepts an embedding function along with the data, automatically embedding all the data we input into the vector table.
  4. Next, we scrape all the code from your GitHub repository and query the LanceDB table for context. What we did was for every 3rd line, we query the table with those lines to pull the most relevant Python documentation.
  5. Finally, we craft a large prompt asking Claude to output a unified diff XML file, given all the information we gathered. This file is then passed into GitHub to generate a pull request.

The example

Let’s take a look at an example of how it works. We’ll first go through gathering the documentation and embedding the text. Keep in mind that the code is just a general outline and that our team worked in both Python and JavaScript.

First, we download the documentation and load the Anthropic Claude API.

import Anthropic from '@anthropic-ai/sdk'
const anthropic = new Anthropic({
apiKey: process.env.CLAUDE_API,

import { download } from '@guoyunhe/downloader';
await download("", "data/", { extract: true })

Now, for every file in the folders and subfolders, we want to input it into Claude for summarization. This can take quite a while and can be intensive on API usage.

// Iterate docPath through every folder.
var output = fs.readFileSync(docPath).toString();
const prompt = `\n\n${Anthropic.HUMAN_PROMPT}: You are to act as a summarizer bot whose task is to read the following code documentation about a python function and summarize it in a few paragraphs without bullet points.
You should include what the function does and potentially a few examples on how to use it, in multiple paragraphs, but leave out any unrelated information that is not about the functionality of it in python, including a preface to the response,
such as 'Here is a summary...'. \n\nREMEMBER: \nDo NOT begin your response with an introduction. \nMake sure your entire response can fit in a research paper. \nDo not use bullet points. \nKeep responses in paragraph form. \nDo not respond with extra context or your introduction to the reponse.
\n\nNow act like the summarizer bot, and follow all instructions. Do not add any additional context or introduction in your response. Here is the documentation file:
let completion = await anthropic.completions.create({
model: 'claude-2',
max_tokens_to_sample: 100000,
prompt: prompt,
completion = completion.completion.split(":\n\n").slice(1);
completion = completion.join(":\n\n");
docs = docs.concat(completion); //docs will contain all information.

With all of the documentation now read and summarized, we can go ahead and use LangChain to split the texts, and then format it to be inserted into LanceDB.

import { RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter } from "langchain/text_splitter";

const splitter = new RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter({
chunkSize: 250,
chunkOverlap: 50,
docs = await splitter.createDocuments(docs);

let data = [];
for (let doc of docs) {
data.push({text: doc['pageContent'], metadata: JSON.stringify(doc['metadata'])});

We’re almost ready to insert the data! All we have to do now is to create an embedding function using TransformersJS.

const { pipeline } = await import('@xenova/transformers')
const pipe = await pipeline('feature-extraction', 'Xenova/all-MiniLM-L6-v2');

const embed_fun = {}
embed_fun.sourceColumn = 'text'
embed_fun.embed = async function (batch) {
let result = []
for (let text of batch) {
const res = await pipe(text, { pooling: 'mean', normalize: true })
return (result)

Then, we can create our table including the embedding function. The benefit of using LanceDB is that it stores everything locally, so inserting and retrieving takes a really short amount of time.

const lancedb = await import("vectordb");

const db = await lancedb.connect("data/sample-lancedb")
const table = await db.createTable("python_docs", data, embed_fun, { writeMode: WriteMode.Overwrite });

Great! Moving on, we’ll have to extract all the code from a GitHub repository. We can do this by using GitHub’s API and a Personal Access Token to gather the content, but I won’t show it here. If you want to take a look at how we did it, here is the GitHub file.

We now need to embed the query, AKA the lines of the files. By iterating through the repository files we just scraped, we can pass it back into LanceDB, like this:

const db = await lancedb.connect("data/sample-lancedb")
const table = await db.openTable("python_docs", embed_fun);

let input = "FILE LINES INPUT HERE";

let result = await['text']).limit(1).execute();


The piece of code above is going to call the function on the input, select the specific text column, and output a single text response: the context.

Joining everything together, (the file contents, split lines, and line context), into a single file would look something like this (Python):

# python_files is now [(FILE_PATH, [FILE LINES], [(LINE NUMBER, LINE, CONTEXT)])]
with open("python_files.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
for file_path, file_content, file_context in python_files:
for context in file_context:

# <files>
# <file>
# <file_path>path/to/</file_path>
# <file_content>
# import os, subprocess
# etc
# etc
# </file_content>
# <file_context>
# <line>
# <line_number>1</line_number>
# <line_content>import os, subprocess</line_content>
# <context>
# import os, subprocess
# context here
# </context>
# </line>
# <line>
# <line_number>2</line_number>
# etc
# etc
# </line>
# </file_context>
# </file>
# <file>
# etc
# etc
# </file>
# </files>

Finally, our last step is to input our python_files.txt back into Claude, with all of its instructions. Because of its 100k context window, we can stack a lot of information into the prompt, including exactly what we want to be outputted.

diff --git a/app/01_❓ b/app/01_❓
index 86ce99c..f265376 100644
--- a/app/01_❓
+++ b/app/01_❓
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
import os

import streamlit as st
+from components.utils import query_gpt, show_pdf
from components.sidebar import sidebar
from s3 import S3
@@ -35,11 +36,9 @@

if "chosen_pdf" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.chosen_pdf = "--"

-if "memory" not in st.session_state:
- st.session_state.memory = ""


With this XML unified diff file, we can now open a pull request on GitHub, displaying all the code improvements that Claude has generated.

Github page of the output of our code
The open PR


I hope that this implementation of these technologies has been insightful for you! I believe that combining retrieval augmented generation and large context windows can lead to substantial leaps in the field of natural language processing. Of course, LLMs still have a long way to go before they can fully emulate human-like comprehension, so not everything will be fully accurate. But using vector databases to fetch context, such as LanceDB, and a large context window LLM, such as Claude, can definitely unlock new possibilities in all sorts of domains.

Thank you for reading! If you would like to check out our full code, here it is on GitHub. We’d really appreciate you leaving a ⭐ on our LanceDB repo.

