Q&A Recap #3

Community eToroX
Published in
2 min readOct 29, 2019

It’s time to recap some of your questions from the past month. This is becoming an important tradition and a great chance for us to answer your questions, and shed light on important matters. We believe that open communication is the best way to constantly learn and progress. Your opinion really does matter to us, and all your input is very much appreciated.

This is a frequently asked question that was brought up last month by @Techguy_BabyBoy:

Q: How can I withdraw?

The process is fairly straightforward, and can be seen in the image below, as well as the eToroX FAQ page and in this short tutorial video.

Here are two separate questions from @XrpCenter_ which are worth taking the time to expand on:

Q: Can I see the XRP/GBP pair at etoroX?
eToroX offers the XRP/GBPX pairing, among many others, as seen in the link to our digital asset pairs https://www.etorox.com/exchange/all-pairs/, and the image below:

Q: Can I trade CFD?

Here’s the detailed rundown of the crypto CFD, taken from the trading crypto FAQ page:

For clients of eToro (UK) Ltd, all leveraged and short transactions in cryptocurrencies are CFD transactions. Non-leveraged long (BUY) positions are underlying cryptocurrency transactions (where we buy the actual asset on your behalf).

For clients of eToro (Europe) Ltd.:

  • All SELL (SHORT) cryptocurrency transactions are CFDs.
  • Non-leveraged long (BUY) cryptocurrencies transactions are underlying cryptocurrency transactions (actual asset).
  • On or around 12th August 2019, BUY cryptocurrency transactions which utilize X2 leverage (excluding CopyTrading and CopyPortfolio transactions) will also be underlying cryptocurrency transactions. Such transactions will be subject to “Margin Trading” rules as described below. This offering does not apply to clients who are residents of China.
  • Any cryptocurrency transaction with leverage higher than X2 (if existing) are CFD transactions.

For clients of eToro Aus Capital PTY Ltd.:

All cryptocurrency transactions are CFDs.

We’re always happy to hear from you and use it as an opportunity for everyone to learn from your questions. Please don’t hesitate to send us your questions on whichever social network you prefer: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Telegram.



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