Some cool extensions with HTTP Basic Authentication

Yubraj Ghimire
Etribes Tech
Published in
3 min readJul 8, 2020

Earlier, I explained about username/password authentication to authenticate the users before serving the content. Let’s check out few cool extensions on basic authentication together with IP address, specific URLs, and cookie handling this time.


  • The password file is already created (htpasswd)
  • username/password authentication is already working

Basic Authentication together with Access Restriction by IP address

Restricting certain IP address together with HTTP basic authentication can be also achievable with few configurations. Let’s see this implementation in the following two cases.

Case 1: Allowing access to the user with a valid username/password as well as with a valid IP Address

server { 
location / {
# satisfy all conditions
satisfy all;
deny all;
# add http basic authentication
auth_basic "Password Required";
auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/.htpasswd;

This example shows a combo use case of HTTP basic authentication and IP restriction where satisfy all denotes that the user has to satisfy both conditions to be able to pass the authentication. This example will grant access for the network excluding the address.

Case 2: Allowing access to the user either with a valid username/password or with a valid IP address

server { 
location /
# satisfy at least one condition
satisfy any;

deny all;

# add http basic authentication
auth_basic "Password Required";
auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/.htpasswd;

satisfy any denotes that the user has to satisfy at least one condition to pass the authentication.

takeaway points

  • The allow and deny directives will be applied in the order they are defined.
  • satisfy all denotes that the user has to satisfy all conditions whereas satisfy any denotes that the access is granted if the user satisfies at least one condition.

Basic Authentication for specific URLs

It is also possible to achieve authentication rules applied to a specific URL instead of applying to all.

server {
location /api {
# add http basic authentication
auth_basic "Password Required";
auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/.htpasswd;
location / {
auth_basic off;

This example shows that the basic authentication only applies to /api and the rest of the URLs are freely accessible.

Basic Authentication together with Cookie and IP address for specific URL (Final episode 😜)

map $cookie_bettercallsaul $cookie_bettercallsaul_exists {
"hailSatanIsubmitToTheDarkSide" "true";
default "false";
geo $valid_ip { "true"; #access granted "true"; #access granted "false"; #access not granted
default "false";
map $cookie_bettercallsaul_exists$valid_ip $cookie_ip_authentication {
"truetrue" "off"; #cookie and IP are valid
"truefalse" "off"; #cookie is valid but IP not
"falsetrue" "off"; #cookie is not valid but IP
default "Password Required";
server {
location /api {
auth_basic $cookie_ip_authentication;
auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/.htpasswd;
add_header Set-Cookie "bettercallsaul=hailSatanIsubmitToTheDarkSide;max-age=3153600000;path=/"; #setting the cookie if authentication is succeeded
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
location / {
auth_basic off;

This example grants access to the users to /api if they are coming from valid networks or they have specified cookie (bettercallsaul) set. It shows the basic authentication dialog if none of the conditions are satisfied and it will set the cookie once the user has access.

takeaway points

  • map is an extremely flexible and powerful module in Nginx configuration. It allows creating variables whose values depend on the values of other variables.
map <InputValue> <OutputValue> {
<Match1> <Match1ReturnValue>;
<Match2> <Match2ReturnValue>;
default <DefaultReturnValue>;
  • geo module also possesses the same behavior in terms of input and output variables but it is based on IP address.
geo $geo{ 1;
default 0;

Last but not the least, don’t forget to apply your configuration changes.

$ sudo service nginx reload


Well, that’s it. That was a simple implementation of basic authentication together with IP restricting, cookie handling, and specific configuration for specific URLs with powerful commands like geo and map.

I hope this post helped you! 👊

