CTFIP & Zpryme Present: U.S. PEV Consumer Perceptions Survey

ETS Insights
Published in
3 min readOct 14, 2013

While automakers led by Tesla Motors and Nissan continue to add plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) models in the U.S., new research from Zpryme asks what combination of age, gender, region, or residency will help identify what demographic will drive 2014 PEV sales.

In the INFOgraphic, U.S. PEV Consumer Perceptions Survey, with partners Central Texas Fuel Independence Project (CTFIP) and Austin Energy, a Zpryme nationally representative sample of 1,000 adults surveyed monthly from February to September yielded several interesting results. For example in September a combined (6.9%) of U.S. consumers will “very likely” or “somewhat likely” purchase or lease a PEV over the next 12 months. More poignantly the age groups most likely to purchase a vehicle within the next year were (18–24) and (25–34) and citizens taking up residency in suburban areas ranked highest (4.7%). Additionally, the August poll received the highest spike in consumers “very likely” to buy or lease a PEV; reinforcing the correlation between high summer gas prices and need for improved fuel economy.

“Zpryme’s research continues to validate strong interest in plug-in electric vehicles by an ever expanding demographic,” stated Karl Popham, Austin Energy Manager of Electric Vehicles & Emerging Technologies. “PEVs are quickly emerging from a niche product for early adopters to a serious choice for many car buyers.”

“Across the board, these data points provide insight into the near future of the EV market. This study helps us to identify characteristics of those that are very likely to buy an EV in the near future. The high rates of young and old buyers, and suburban buyers, indicates to me that interest has gone beyond “early adopter” phase,” stated Andrew Johnston, Central Texas Fuel Independence Project. “Locally, that means our markets are not just in Austin and San Antonio but all around our region. The diversity of EV enthusiasts in age, and geographic region is a sign of a broadening market. Populations are opening up to electric vehicles.”

“With California being the nation’s largest plug-in electric vehicle market and the overall sweet spot for owners settling in around 35–44 it’s not surprising that the Zpryme survey pointed to the (South) as well as age groups (18–34) as “very likely” to purchase a PEV in the next 12 months — it simply boils down to consumer education and affordability,” stated Mark Ishac, Zpryme Managing Director. “PEV charging accessibility, income levels, and adequate education all play a significant role in plucking consumers from the showroom floor and dropping them in the driver’s seat; Zpryme has monitored these PEV trends since 2010 annually (now monthly).”

Other results from September survey (very likely to buy/lease over the next 12 months):

  • Gender: Male (4.7%), Female (3.3%)
  • U.S. Region: Northeast (5.3%), South (5.3%), Midwest (4.6%), West (1.5%)
  • Residing: Suburban (4.7%), Urban (2.7%), Rural (2.6%)


The goal of the Central Texas Fuel Independence Project (CTFIP) and its diverse group of contributors is to support adoption of plug-in electric and natural gas vehicles and accelerate the implementation of fueling infrastructure for Central Texas. CTFIP is supported by the US Department of Energy and housed at Austin Energy.

Media Contact

Andrew Johnston
+1 512.322.6579




ETS Insights

Residing in Austin, Zpryme is a research, media, and events agency with a focus on energy.