Connected Services - Creating a Community Around Data

ETS Insights
Published in
2 min readJan 11, 2017

Zpryme surveyed more than 400 asset owners and survey providers to better understand how organizations are building communities around data and analytics. Our survey covered the industrial equipment, green tech, and oil and gas industries; nearly every organization surveyed had lost expertise due to retirement. This study explores how building a community of shared data and analytics among asset owners and service providers is becoming increasingly important to address the next generation of asset needs.

Key Findings

  • On average, 79% of industrial equipment, green tech, and oil and gas asset owners had lost up to 25% of their asset experts in the past five years
  • Automation and controls are important (56%), however, only 25% of asset owners are looking toward more rigorous analysis with expanded databases to replace lost asset expertise. This option has more potential than the market currently understands.
  • Nearly two-thirds of service providers believe that sharing and analyzing asset data with their customers plays an important to extremely important role in their services business.
  • Nearly every service provider said at least some of their customers are sharing asset data with them today (95%).
  • An overwhelming majority of service providers said at least some of their customers are sharing asset data with them today (95%). Green tech asset owners are the most comfortable with data sharing (81%).

OSIsoft provides an open infrastructure to connect sensor-based data, operations and people to enable real-time intelligence. Our flagship product, the PI System, enables businesses to capture and leverage sensor-based data across the enterprise to improve efficiency, sustainability, quality and safety.

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Download the accompanying report here.




ETS Insights

Residing in Austin, Zpryme is a research, media, and events agency with a focus on energy.