Etsy sues the FCC to save net neutrality

Althea Erickson
Etsy Impact
Published in
2 min readMar 5, 2018
etsy shop: KisforCalligraphy

Earlier this year, Etsy made public our intent to participate in a lawsuit challenging the FCC’s rollback of net neutrality protections. Today, along with other tech companies Expa, Kickstarter, Automattic, Foursquare, and Shutterstock, we filed a petition with the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit against the Federal Communication Commission’s decision to end net neutrality.

We filed this petition on behalf of the 1.9 million creative entrepreneurs who sell goods on our platform, and depend on strong net neutrality protections to build their businesses and compete online. The courts need to hear from the people who will be harmed the most under the FCC’s unprecedented attack on net neutrality. Already, over 30,000 Etsy sellers participated in the FCC’s public comment process, and tens of thousands more reached out to Congress in support of net neutrality. Now we’re bringing their stories and experiences to the courts.

Today’s petition builds on the incredible efforts of our community to save net neutrality. Just last week, 10,000 Etsy sellers wrote to their Senators as part of a national day of action for #OneMoreVote, asking them to support a congressional repeal of the recently passed rules. Our petition has already been covered in The Hill, Mashable, and AdWeek. We’ll continue to keep you updated as this story progresses. #netneutrality #onemorevote



Althea Erickson
Etsy Impact

Lead advocacy and impact at Etsy. Public policy wonk. Game enthusiast.