How to choose a role in MMORPG depending your personality

4Game EU
Published in
4 min readJan 29, 2019

Choose to play MMO. Choose which MMO you want to play. Choose the subscription. Choose your character’s gender. Choose his or her name and appearance. Choose the class…wait, let’s dwell for a while on this one.

You can choose whoever you want to be in MMORPGs and that is probably the most fascinating part about them. When you first launch any video game you have this truly magic moment of picking virtual destiny…and sometimes it literally takes hours. Will I be a truculent necromancer? A magic casting priestess? Your friendly neighbourhood furry thief?

Jokes aside: dozens of times we spent hours reading guides on character selection before actually playing and then eventually got so sick of it, that this exciting moment of starting the new game was completely gone. But the worst outcome is when you play for a while and realize that you just hate your character and need to start all over again. Though there is an option for our poor souls. We are talking about the stunning secret of choosing a role in MMO based on your personality.

So let’s dive into our MMO Role Choosing Psychoanalysis 101!


It is probably as straightforward to start with these guys as they are by nature. Some gamers view tanks as a generic and well-rounded role which is ideal for first-time players. However, let’s examine it with the help of black magic psychology powers. It is simple. It is often a backbone of many groups. If in real life you favour simplicity in behaviour over the fancy mind games and thrive to be a stone wall for your friends and family, maybe it is your guy. Still, be prepared that playing a tank means taking responsibility for controlling the mobs and raid bosses. Party mates may (and will) blame you if the raid fails. So be sure to have nerves as steel and the reaction of a mongoose.

Melee DD

The routine kills you and you are ready to put it all on one deadly strike. If you are usually just exploding with energy and hungry for action, try going Melee DD. Since Melee DD classes usually deal hella lotta damage, short-temper is rather a merit than imperfection for them role in MMO. Just don’t forget to back it up in time to stay alive!


Sharing is caring. It’s great to know to know that the team relies on you just to be a little better. It’s great fun to have an impact on a battle without having to make a big deal out of it. Great supporters are essential to any group (besides MMO too). Awesome supporters become legends of the server (as well as disaster-supps). If you are naturally the caregiver who enjoys helping others and being needed, maybe it’s worth trying a support class. The main trick is that sometimes the success of the entire battle may depend on you, so you have to be good at prioritizing and managing resources and ready to handle the responsibility for your decision (oh that fights and blames in voice chats), which makes this class not so easy to play as it may seem.

Mage RDD

You like action but you like it flashy? Working hard pays off, but working smart is much better? Riding as a mage means being versatile in many situations. However, the game success of casters strongly depends on a well-organized routine, though it brings the strange sense of fulfilment. If you’ve found this groove for at least once, you understand me. And if that all applies to you in real life too — go for it.


A fair fight is a concept you’ve heard of but wish to not interact with. The role of debuffer in MMOs assumes that you are able to focus on the task at hand. A keen eye for details will also be a great benefit for this class. If you like to get involved in actions, but your approach is to manipulate and influence the events from a distance, maybe it’s your class.

Physical RDD

You are patient. You like it one step at a time. You like risks — but when they are calculated and surely you always have a backup plan. As any good tactician, you prefer to distance yourself from the fuss and hectic. Does it apply to you? Congrats on being the natural Physical RDD type.

Just think about that: you definitely favour some roles and classes that you play over and over again in video games. The process of making a character is similar to taking a personal, psychological assessment. Maybe it says something about you? Or maybe those friends who you casually refer to as “support” or “melee” players are revealing more about themselves than you realize? Share your thoughts!

