How to raise the clan

4Game EU
Published in
5 min readJan 22, 2019

So you decided to start a clan. That’s brave. Running a clan is like having a part-time job that doesn’t pay and sometimes tries really hard to become your full-time occupation. So stop and think twice: do you really like that game and your friends that much? Won’t the casual fun of playing a couple evenings a week be ruined completely and gradually replaced by a day in, day out routine? It’s not too late to turn back, you know.

Hope we scared away all the indecisive and faint-hearted because actually running your own clan is awesome.

It’s something between controlling a kindergarten and being a community manager but the return on your time and effort investment is really worth it. So the question is: how to start a clan and lead it to prosperity? We are most willing to help, so we’ve come up with a list of first steps you might consider.


Let’s start right from the ground zero: creating your clan. Make sure you meet all conditions: the required level, a hefty sum of in-game currency and several loyal followers if there is a minimum member number limit. Stay concentrated while coping with routine — if you get your homework done in its entirety you will get fewer problems and unpleasant surprises later on. And when you deal with all the technical details it’s time for some real fun.

Let that creativity flow. Make up the coolest name on the server, design a logo, think through the clan legend and your mission. It’s much more interesting for people to rally around some greater cause. Dig up the game’s lore, tell you’re descendants of some ancient legendary heroes or cultists worshiping a mad god, make it intriguing and people would be eager to join. In case they become too eager and overwhelm you with numbers set strict but adequate demands. Base them on what you aim to accomplish: level, time spent online, skill, being readily available, willingness to roleplay, not being a jerk and so on. You can introduce the role of a clan HR and make it like a job interview but more fun. There are so many opportunities — improvise and people will learn about your clan by the word of mouth.


Set up a Discord room, open a clan chat in any messenger you like. Communication is the key to healthy growth and spotting issues in time before they become ugly. Create a shared doc with the raid and/or siege timetable and maybe some fun activities. Set goals and distribute the roles based on what people do best. Get a clan merchant, blacksmith and a pack of brave warriors. Keeping everyone engaged and participating means less boredom and time to think about leaving the clan for a better one. You can also introduce a reward system because everyone likes getting praised. Does someone write short stories out of each clan event on the game forums and is a true clan historian? Give ’em the loot. Does someone help all the newbies while performing really well in mass fights? Give ’em the loot, give ’em the loot!

The more organized you’ll be the higher your chances are of attracting the like-minded people and filtering slackers and dead weight. The most successful clans run like a clockwork mechanism — maintenance and constant tuning makes perfect.

Be fair

Don’t get pets, don’t give preferences based on your previous relations. Emphasize that rules are the same for everyone. If someone you started the clan with is underperforming try talking it out and if they continue to behave like this don’t hesitate to say goodbye. However, you should also remember to reward your clanmates’ feats and successes: new items, some money, and promotions are a great way to stimulate activity and create a better atmosphere.

Providing a level playing field for everyone will make your clanmates respect you more. It will also help to choose what kind of leader you are — authoritative, participative or delegative — and stick to it. Being consistent in your reasoning and decisions is also essential for your image.


It’s highly probable that following our instructions would make your clan a little bigger than you expected and it’s no use trying to do everything by yourself. If the game starts to interfere with your job or social life it’s time to think about recruiting the highest performing clan members with great soft skills to become your officers and assistants. Great soft skills and trusting your officers is also a vital part. Some tasks you can delegate include completing some routine tasks, looking for and recruiting new members, training newbies, commanding the troops in less important fights, and being ready to take leadership in cases of emergency. Think of the wise and loyal councilors kings throughout the history used to surround themselves with — that’s what you should be looking for in your ideal officers.

Meet offline

And last but not least: try socializing outside of the game, it does wonders. Developers often organize events and cons based on the game universes, which is a great opportunity to get acquainted, even if you are all from different places. A single meetup can do more to raise spirits and become a better team than a thousand online chats. You will most certainly be surprised after meeting your clanmates in person: online and offline presences can be drastically different. Chances are your right decisions in raising the clan attracted charismatic, witty, and easy-going people to it. It can be a bit awkward at first as any meeting of internet strangers is but you’ll get over it.

A friendship based on a common activity can become a friendship for the long years to come, transcending the game and carrying on in real life. People find jobs, rent flats together and start businesses after learning to trust each other in the game. Who knows, maybe you’ll even get some newlyweds slaying the raid boss together while on the honeymoon. It’s certainly the most enjoyable and rewarding part of the whole clan thing: building a strong community and making people meet each other.

Studies show that the social aspect is a prevalent factor for people playing MMORPGS, and clans are certainly a major part of it. It will be hard and sometimes extremely so but in the end of the day it’s truly worth it. Don’t miss the chance: if you feel like it, give it a go. Come together, dominate the server, become legends.

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