Qualities a party leader should have

4Game EU
Published in
2 min readFeb 17, 2019

Surprisingly enough, MMORPGs borrow a lot of rules from the world we inhabit irl. Mostly because they’re driven by the same human beings who run things down here. You can probably name a dozen of in-game situations that require your actual and unique personal qualities. For example, a person with strong leadership skills would do a great job leading a clan or, at the very least, a party. Which skills would those be, exactly?


Many of the best leaders in MMORPGs had one thing in common: the ability to say “let’s try that again!” after a massive failure. The online gaming world allowed them to fail and try, try again — something many “real world” leaders are reluctant to do. You need to know what to say to the party, whatever the weather.


Of course, confidence is up on that list as well. Making right decisions is important, but sometimes the speed at which they are made is more crucial.


The stress factor is strong when you’re up to lead a party. You can’t expect that everything always goes your way, right? Try to put your mind at ease while in action, but remember to digest any unpleasant surprises later.


When there’s more than one, conflicts are bound to happen. You better learn how to resolve it quickly by figuring out what’s happening, not whose fault it is. Be a good listener and always seeking for a compromise.


Taking responsibility for your decisions? Sure, it’s also something you have to know how to do if you think you’ll make a good leader.


Earn trust by being transparent. If your party members can rely on your judgement this will save you a lot of time and gain you authority.


Don’t be afraid to distort your adamant and all-powerful look by asking for help though. Know your party members’ traits and delegate the responsibilities.

Strategic thinking

What instance to grind? Who’s the top priority for the coolest gear? When there’s a plan and management then your progress is consistent and lucid.


If you’re determined to take your party to new heights, the trick is to always remain ambitious. Already pictured a successful businessman behind the screen? Good.


And finally, a good leader will always remember that all players, no matter how dedicated they are, have lives outside of the game. Some of them have full-time jobs and children to take care of and they can only play a few hours a week. It’s your job to figure out everyone’s schedules and create an environment that appreciates both in-game and out-of-game life.

