What qualities should a clan leader have?

4Game EU
Published in
3 min readFeb 22, 2019

A job listing for a clan leader would surely look amusing but there’s a little probability you’ll find one. Running a clan is somehow similar to launching a startup — you know it inside and out and do lots of work all by yourself. However, just like with real-world businesses it has lots of perks — like telling everyone what they should do or running away with the clan treasury (just joking. Don’t attempt this please). What’s more, you surely do need some inner calling to do so and a certain number of traits to let your clan thrive. Here are the most vital qualities that anyone thinking about founding a clan should possess.

It’s hard to rule a clan so be prepared properly (An Old Man in an Armchair by Rembrandt)


You won’t get far if you don’t know the game really well. You should be prepared to answer tons of questions, organize raids, allocate rewards, and apply fines. This would be impossible without dedicating considerable portions of time to the game and getting to know it better than anybody else in the clan.


A large group of MMO players is but a herd of sheep without proper control. A clear set of rules will turn them into a dream team. Don’t forget to set an example for the members of your clan yourself and follow rules that you established.


Do you know the fastest way to get your people demotivated? Get some favourite players and give them some special benefits. Surely they don’t have to contribute to clan, just be your good friends or people you like to chat with. You will have a ton of dirty looks and loads of gossip in no time. To avoid this unfortunate outcome treat everyone the same and you’ll be good.


No matter how hard you try it’s impossible to manage a group of people without getting a bunch of conflicts on your hands. You should always be ready to resolve them while remaining level headed and just. Your clan will respect you for this.


You can’t be a good clan leader without being reliable. You will no longer be able to go for a meditation retreat for ten days without notifying anyone — this will plunge the clan into chaos and won’t end well. Choose a couple of deputies who you trust to replace you in case of emergency.


In order to lead people you always need confidence to be driving you from the inside and you should also make others confident in your decisions and actions. Being charismatic will also surely help to influence others and persuade them to follow you.


Managing positions often mean coming under lots of stress and clan leader isn’t an exception. Imagine being bombarded with dozens of requests every day, mediating conflicts and solving issues. Sooner or later it’s going to take its toll so you should get ready in advance.


In order for the clan life not to get stale you should always come with some new ideas and suggestions. Surely you can outsource generating ideas to the most creative clan members but still you should be able to judge them by yourself.


It’s gonna be really hard to build a healthy clan community without being really great at communicating with people. Forget about the stereotype that MMOs are for asocial people — it wasn’t true in the first place and start networking.


Don’t ever underestimate this one, it’s crucial. You may have every trait listed above but it would be too easy to burn out if you don’t love what you’re doing with your whole heart. If everything works out, this will be your occupation for years, so be honest with yourself whether you really want this.

Okay, now you are all ready to go — organize your clan mates, introduce fair rules for everyone, and assert dominance at your server. Wish you the best of luck at the battlefields!

