About Us

Jesse Blaine
Published in
1 min readJun 10, 2017

Eucharisto is a Greek word. It means — “I give thanks” or “I am giving thanks.”

eucharistō | εὐχαριστῶ

It’s our proper response to all that God has done, and is doing for us.

That doesn’t mean we put on smiley faces and plaster over experiences in lives with empty euphemisms.

That doesn’t mean we don’t have issues.

That doesn’t mean we don’t wrestle with thing in the Bible.

That doesn’t mean we don’t struggle with how or how God didn’t work in our lives.

But…like the Psalmist, the Prophets, the Apostle Paul…we struggle, we push, we strive to admire God for who God is. We push to thank God for all He’s done.

And then in response to all of that, carried along by the Holy Spirit, we labor to live out lives as a thankful response to God. It’s the only right response to Him.

Our goal is to translate that walk, struggle, and joy into accessible inspiration.

We want to meet people where they are, and in the way that they consume content.

Join us as we seek to live and work for His praise and glory!

