Why go to church? — Ps. 81:10

Jesse Blaine
Published in
1 min readApr 27, 2018

I am the Lord your God, who brought you up out of Egypt. Open wide your mouth and I will fill it — Psalm 81:10

I love my church and my church family. Every week I look forward to being there and when I travel, I miss the gathering, the place and the people. I probably should find a church in whatever city I’m in, and sometimes that happens, but usually not at my initiative. Sigh.

And it was not always so that I felt this way about going to church on Sunday. It was easy to find an excuse to miss and I took that path sometimes. And churches are all so different — some just don’t suit me. Well, let’s think about that. It’s not the point whether I’m suited or not.

If I am to be faithful to Jesus, regular services, gatherings and anniversary celebrations are important. It’s where we remind ourselves and each other of all that God has done for us, saving and providing for us and to thank Him for it. I need to hear His Word, experience more of the work of His Spirit and pray as part of a gathered people. This life on earth is hard. I need His inflow every day for love and wisdom for each day and every week.

