#EudaStyle, long-term quality

We build software with processes that help your digital project take off

3 min readMay 11, 2022


Creating an app is a science that needs quality and precision. With more than 12 years of experience innovating, at Euda we use the same top-notch processes as other well-known tech giants. In this article, you’ll find what are the first-class technology and work processes that we use to develop our success stories’ apps.

There are a lot of things that can go wrong working in IT. For instance, a junior developer accidentally erases a whole production database of an e-commerce app and it affects not only the work of hundreds of people but the final customers. Or, maybe there is a bug that can stop the production of a whole factory, generating huge financial losses. Security is key and this is why we work in a way to ensure all these examples mentioned above never happen.

Code review between cross-hierarchy teammates is one of the many actions taken to prevent this. Developers proofread each other’s lines of code before updating it on the system, checking each other’s code for mistakes.

Another important point is QA, with manual and automated testing. Most IT companies provide this service for their products. However, there are some key points to make it even better. For instance, automated tests should be integrated in the pipeline so that they run automatically with every deployment.

Regarding manual testing, although they may sound similar, there is a huge difference between a bug and a glitch. Bugs are usually coding errors, whereas glitches are errors that happen when the engine does not work as expected. Also, there are some metaapp features that may become bugs if the final users don’t like them. This is why our QA engineers always test with an open mind and anticipate both users’ moves and their expectations of the product.

One may believe that organizing beforehand to achieve a perfectly calibrated work before starting any project allows us to accomplish better results. However, calibrating work such as an analogical clock may take too long. The formula used in our success stories involves bumpy starts and lots of refining later, and I believe that, in most cases, this is better than no starting at all. Refining tasks is the core of agile methodologies and combined with high quality processes is how we carry out extremely complicated projects at Euda.

We believe that organising work by following the agile methodologies principles is the way to go. Through our work we have come to value:

  • Individuals and interactions, over processes and tools
  • Working software, over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration, over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change, over following a plan

Find out more information on the Agile manifesto: https://agilemanifesto.org/

Finally, safe and independent environments for development, testing and production ensure safety and quality at every step. Junior developers must learn from others and test in their own local environment and, again, before having access to production their code is reviewed by others.

Following these principles, we had achieved digital projects’ scalability and product quality. It does not rely only on essentially big and complex teams. we believe that small but organised teams, added to all the good practises highlighted above are the best foundations for great software development.

Want to be our next success story? Visit our website to find out more and do not hesitate to contact us!




Crear una app es como lanzar un cohete al espacio. Diseñamos y desarrollamos aplicaciones de calidad. Leenos en: https://medium.com/eudaimonia-ar