Why a New Era of War is Dawning — And What Putin Really Wants

What Russia’s Invasion Really Means For the World and the Future

umair haque
Eudaimonia and Co


Image Credit: CNN Screenshot

What is Putin’s game really all about? Why did he invade Ukraine — and how does this end? By now, you’re probably wondering. I have some answers for you, and (as usual) you’re probably not going to like them.

Let’s begin here.

Putin played a long, long sophisticated game. His preparation for this moment was both impeccable and chilling. What do I mean? He spent a decade or more destabilising the West — and he succeeded. There’s copious evidence by now that the last decade or so of British and American history has been shaped by…Russia. Trump as President? Helped along — literally and decisively — by Russian military intelligence operations. Brexit? Funded by Russia, propagandized with Russian techniques of flooding Big Lies at a confused population.

Let me say it again. Russia has played a long, long game to get to this moment. Let’s explore another couple of avenues. Remember Trump’s first impeachment? It was about withholding aid from Ukraine…in other words, helping Russia. Then there’s the issue of the radicalisation of the right. The average right wing soccer mom is now such a fanatic that she is threatening to shoot up her kids school. What’s behind…

