2017 & 2016 | World’s Values Day

We are an Official Partner of World Values Day. The day is an opportunity for all of us to think about our most deeply held values and to act on them.

Eudaimonia Solutions
Eudaimonia Solutions’s Blog
3 min readMay 31, 2018


2017 | World Values Day

Representatives of leading companies and experts discussed the importance of values for the well-being of companies and society as a whole.

How can values help make Bulgaria a better place to work and live in?

The issue was in the focus of the international discussion that the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum (BBLF) and the Bulgarian Association of Management Consulting Organisations (BAMCO) held on 26 October 2017 at Hilton Sofia. The event was co-chaired by BBLF Chairman Iravan Hira said opening the event and Gergana Mantarkova, Chairperson of BAMCO and KPMG Bulgaria’s Managing Partner.

Charles Fowler, Member of the Steering Group of the UK Values Alliance and Chairman of the Human Values Foundation that launched World Values Day made a keynote speech.

Other Keynote Speakers included:

  • Irina Vasilevska, BBLF Board Member and Chief Director Corporate Policy and Legal Affairs at Telenor Bulgaria
  • Tsvetelina Ducheva MD, manager of Petar Duchev Dental Clinic
  • Natalia Blagoeva, CMC, founder and director of Eudaimonia Solutions.

2016 | World Values Day

Eudaimonia Solutions supported 1st World Values Day with a number of activities including the interactive experience Values@Work.

Click on the link to play it:

Who are Our People?

In honor of World’s Values Day, Eudaimonia Solutions supported several organisations and communities in mapping up the personal values of their people. Here are the results.

