Maria Beauchamp.

Why Wilmington Needs Eugene Young

Maria Beauchamp
Eugene Young for Mayor


Su atención en promocionar apoyo, participar y servir al público impulsará a nuestra ciudad hacia delante y hacia el cambio.

— Eugene’s focus on advocating, engaging and achieving will drive our City forward and into change.

As a community advocate, parent, city citizen and concerned human, this campaign season has been very important and dear to me. I had found it my duty to meet, research, and speak with all candidates, specially everyone running to be Wilmington’s next Mayor. The more work, research and time I spend with each the more difficult it becomes to decide who will be the right candidate. While we have a very crowded race one thing is clear and that is our City needs Change.

As voters, it is our right and duty to educate ourselves and define our priorities for a better Wilmington, beyond social media and what we perceive. For that reason I am endorsing Eugene Young for Mayor of Wilmington, Delaware.

His educational qualifications as a dual major in Information Systems and Sociology, masters in Public Administration and non-profit management, shows his well rounded preparation to be a great leader. Beyond his education, as a voter his selflessness is what I identify with the most. I found myself many times at the same events and locations as Mr. Young, and as I carefully observed his demeanor and personality I always found an individual that introduced himself, asked questions, and made the entire conversation about the individual and their concerns — often times never even telling the person “vote for me” or “I am running for Mayor.” For Eugene, the events were not about him but about the person, group, or activity he was there to support.

In a great leader I look beyond age, socioeconomic status, and looks. Change comes from people that sought it without the need of a title, cameras or credit.

As a young Wilmingtonian, Eugene and his friend wanted to pay forward what their City gave them by empowering young men. For the past 10 years their self-funded leadership development program, Delaware Elite, has helped inner city youth by offering students access to skills training, cultural events, educational opportunities, internships, and support for higher educational goals.

I was asked once if I wanted to volunteer and help “My Very Own Library,” a program in 8 Wilmington public schools that in unity with community leaders gave 3,000 students the opportunity to select 10 free books each. Not once during the initiative was I told that the person behind it was running for Mayor. Yet again another example of doing work from the heart as a true public servant should. While now you can find that information during his campaign, it is important that we know about all his work.

His focus in advocating, engaging and achieving will drive our City forward and into change. His understanding of how to work with City, Sate and Federal government will provide the diversity for resources, accountability, public safety, economic development, youth development, education, and improve good government and quality of life.

I am passionate about my City. I seek to move it forward and want nothing more than a leader who will engage the entire City, State and Nation in order to give us an opportunity for growth and change. Besides my many reasons why I endorse Eugene Young, I challenge you to get to know him more and do your own research.

As individuals we all have different concerns, but as a community we need to come together for a better tomorrow.

Standing Tall For Wilmington,

~Maria Beauchamp

