EU Participates in the Global Coalition to Defeat Daesh Ministerial Meeting

The Global Coalition to Defeat Daesh (ISIS) Ministerial Meeting took place in Washington, D.C., November 14, 2019, bringing together some 30 countries and partners to discuss the work that still remains to be done to ensure the enduring defeat of Daesh. The European Union was represented by Deputy Secretary General for Political Affairs of the European External Action Service Jean-Christophe Belliard.

Belliard stressed that the battle against the Islamic State is far from over. “Daesh has been defeated territorially, but Daesh is still around and it can start again,” he said pointing out that the root causes that contributed to the creation of the group still exist. He also noted that members of the coalition had discussed the concern that the terror group will emerge in the Sahel region.

Belliard welcomed the Pentagon’s announcement that they will keep 500 to 600 troops in Northern Syria and said participants at the coalition meeting felt reassured of the United States’ continued commitment to be involved.

Belliard said transatlantic cooperation is crucial in the fight against Daesh and the work being done to stabilize the region. “We really need to join forces and complement each other,” he said. “And I think this is the spirit from the Europeans, but I think that it is also the spirit from the Americans.”

Addressing the question of returning refugees, Belliard said their return must be safe and voluntary and “refugees should be able to go back to where they come from not to where some countries want them to be taken.”

Belliard stressed that military might alone is not sufficient to defeat Daesh and highlighted the European Union’s unique capabilities that include everything from humanitarian aid to stabilization support, de-mining and capacity building. “This is where the EU is one of the main actors,” he said.



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