Šiauliai, Lithuania and Omaha, Nebraska

Aurimas Šimkus, wood carver from Šiauliai creates a wood sculpture of Egle on site at Lauritzen Gardens. — Picture from: http://www.omahasistercities.com/pathofthesun/#sthash.lgajzntd.dpuf

As he fields questions from passers-by, Aurimas Šimkus diligently etches his chisel into the trunk of the tree. He is nearly finished with his masterpiece: Egle, Queen of the Grass Snakes, a popular character in Lithuanian folklore that is soon to be unveiled at the Lauritzen Gardens in Omaha, Nebraska. While handing out pamphlets and explaining the myth of Egle to the intrigued American onlookers, Šimkus demonstrates the intricate process of Lithuanian wood carving — a unique and deeply rooted tradition that, along with cross-crafting, is included in the UNESCO representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.

The public unveiling ceremony for the inaugural Lithuanian folk wood sculpture of Eglė was held August 28 and was attended by dignitaries Rolandas Kriščiūnas,Ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania and Jean Stothert,Mayor of Omaha. — See more at: http://www.omahasistercities.com/pathofthesun/#sthash.lgajzntd.dpuf

Officially revealed in 2015, Šimkus’ carving marked the beginning of a larger project between the sister cities of Omaha and Šiauliai, Lithuania. Titled Saulės Takes (Lithuanian for “Path of the Sun”), the project involved the creation of a sculpture garden in Omaha’s Lauritzen Gardens, in which creative works of various Lithuanian sculptors, woodworkers, and folk artists would be displayed. Through ornately carved benches, decorative fences, plants, and trees, the garden became the first of its kind in North America, with a goal to demonstrate Lithuanian folk art and ethnographic traditions, while simultaneously highlighting the relationship between Omaha and Šiauliai.

Known as “The City of Sun,” Šiauliai is the fourth largest city in Lithuania, with a population of just over 130,000. It is an important commercial hub of the country, with its easy nautical access to five ice-free Baltic sea ports. Because of this high activity in trade and transit, Šiauliai is informally referred to as the capital of northern Lithuania. Omaha, meanwhile, is the largest city in the state of Nebraska, with a population of roughly 400,000 people. It sits on the banks of the Missouri River, just off the border of Iowa.

After officially becoming sister cities on May 17, 1996, these two towns quickly developed a strong connection through students, teachers, and cultural exchanges. Assisted by the Omaha Friends of Šiauliai group, students and faculty from Creighton University and the University of Nebraska-Omaha can exchange with those at Šiauliai University. Meanwhile, various cultural experiences such as musical, choral, and folk dance ensembles are performed regularly, highlighting the similarities and differences between the cultures of Nebraska and Central Lithuania. And of course, there is the Saulės Takes in the Lauritzen Gardens.

Šimkus’ 2015 carving of Egle was only the beginning for “The Path of the Sun.” While other works have been replaced, the project is ongoing with hopes of many more Lithuanian wood sculptures to come in the future. With each of them, the population of Nebraska is allowed to reflect on its relationship with its sister city, and see the act as giving a new life to a tree — as well as solidifying the gift of Lithuanian culture from the people of Šiauliai to the people of Omaha.

This story is part of the #SisterCitySunday series on Medium. Each Sunday from October 2, 2016 to May 7, 2017, new stories from the 28 European Union Member States will be published. Stories will also be shared on social media using #SisterCitySunday.

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Written by EUintheUS intern Travis Smith.



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