Orwell couldn’t have imagined that: what consequnces may personal data monopoly cause?

Ilya Pastushkov
Published in
6 min readDec 16, 2017

Bulat Ganiev, “Technokratos”, abot dark and light sides of the data-oriented world — translated from here.

Future is closer than we think!

We don’t even think about what do we pass when accept the processing of your personal data agreement installing the soft. What do the companies who have about 80% of our data do with that inforamtion?
Being a real fan of technologies and progress, Bulat Ganiev worries about careless ittitude to personal data of internet users.

This is his vision of the problem of each person’s personal freedom in the new world where the data is priceless.

Hardly anyone would be 100% sure when arguing about the future technologies. We are making forecasts relying on the actual knowledges. But, actually, revolutionary changes are spontaneous. In the end of a XIX century citizens of New York were afraid of horse transport popularity — too many ordure. The transport problem has appeared — the different one.

I’m writing to draw your attention. To an underestimated problem of mass data collection. The freedom of personality is about to dissappear if we will continue to relate to our data safety as careless. Hardly anyone would agree to live in that world.

Each problem related to a technological progress is more about law and ethics than about technologies. The nuclear energy may be a good and also a weapon, according to the humanity decision. Also, data collection and analysis algorithms may help us to reach unbelievable heights… Or, maybe, those who agregate the data will manipulate the society to reach their goals.

Just dream about the possible future! Personal data from all of your smartphones, watches, glasses, percutaneous chips and even the microrobots inside us. Virtual helpers as Alisa or Siri will give the personal advices for each life situation. You don’t need a fitness trainer, nutritionist, psychologist, financier anymore! Artifical intellegence will do it better.

First indestructible monopoly in the world!

It will be the first time when the Homo Sapiens species will have an opportunity to evolve consiously. Superhumans connected to the unite digital brain system. All of them had hit the peak of intellectual, physical and emotional abilities.

Nevertheless, your data may not be your property. In this future collecting and processing of data is controled by small group of companies or by the government. The behavior of people are easyly predictable. If you only try to do something that data monopolist wouldn’t like you will be punished. And there won’t be an opportumity to hide!

Moreover, hardly anyone will have ideas inappropriate the correct (from the government or companies which control the data) ones. The informational field translates ideas right into our brains — so, we don’t have a right for our personal thoughts and feelings. In that way of society’s development even your ideas are not yours. As soon as you do the first steps to make your progressive project come true, those, whose services you use will steal your idea and implement it! Data monopoly is possibly the first indestructible monopoly in the world. Orwell couldn’t have imagined that


The problem is that small group of companies oftenly collects and processes most of the data. For example in the USA FAANG (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google) collect more that 80% of data from the digital channels.

Data agregation structure itself is a bit threatening. If only those five companies will have a deal, the will be able to reform the society in case of the Board of Directors interests.
In the US I have found out that the closed conferensions for IT market leaders are trully exist. They are arguing about the possible strategies of cooperation which is not really good for ordinary users.

We think that everything is okay accepting the user agreement license when installing the soft. But where are the alternatives? It’s not possible to accept the license partialy, it’s also impossible to pay for not collecting my data.
Some services are integrated with our life as strong that if you don’t use them — you will have all the chances to become lonely. Huge companies use our ignorance in digital sphere because they do know how important data is. Free services are also business oriented: if you don’t pay money — you will pay for it with your personal data.

Have Pokemon Go helped maniacs?

There’s an irony: people upload private data by themselves and don’t think that something may go wrong. Sharing school photos with kids’ geolocation, mothers endanger them. Witness of crime deanoned himself and was killed.
When the Pokemon Go was the most popular some accidents with maniacs appeared. Nobody told you but everything you post may be used against you!

Edward Snowden’s actions make all of us think about uor personal data safety. The society understood that problem is real and react on this. People have developed safe services:

  • TOR browser
  • Messengers which use encription (Telegram)
  • Blockchain technology (Bitcoin also=) )
  • VPN services
  • Touch ID, Face ID…

For example, in products advertisment Apple allocates that data is stored on devices or encrypted with safety algorithms.

It’s time to protect our digital assets!

One day ecological manufacturing became a standart for all the people. I suppose, that personal data safety (do not do anythig with user’s data without his meaningful resolution) will become the satandart in IT industry!

The government plays the key role here. To prevent the technological collapse it should control (it should be written in law) the data assets integrity as well as property or life ones. There are no good companies, technologies or bad ones. All of companies try to be the leader of the market. Although, on the data market there should be some strict rules:

  • Do not allow monopolies to exist.
  • Provide the conditions when users data will not be applied against them.

As a founder of some IT companies, a technocrat and a transhumanist I believe that technologies bring wealth. Do not use them means not being a human. However, in a technological race it is important to be a good person, safe all the good qualities inside us!

