What is the Daily Scrum

Igor Tretyakov
Published in
4 min readFeb 10, 2018

Daily Scrum is a meeting where a work plan for the day is set. The Team members meet at the same time every day to track and adjust the path to the Sprint Goal.

Daily Scrum replaces those meetings, where it is important for the boss to let steam off and to show who is in charge here and for the subordinates — to convince him that everything is all right, where the chief gives kicks and tasks and subordinates are justified, quietly playing their smartphones and think about the end of a meeting. As a result, half an hour and even more is wasted. The Daily Scrum is different.

Photo by Dylan Gillis(@dylandgillis) on Unsplash

Only the Team members participate in it.

All the Team members should present at the Daily Scrum. If even one does not come, it will not be possible to assess the progress towards the Sprint Goal and coordinate the next steps. Meet in person — it is possible to miss something in correspondence or understand each other incorrectly. The Scrum-master monitors the meeting to be held.

All employees are allowed to come to the Daily Scrum, but the Team only is involved in discussion. The Scrum-master and the Product Owner also do not interfere. Their presence at the meeting is not necessary.

Other people may mislead the participants from the topic, therefore, have no right to discuss. The Scrum-master and the Team make sure that no one interferes here and are listened to the comments on the Sprint Review only.

For instance. The Sprint Goal of the engineers Team is to assemble the battery for electrocar.

Correct way

  • All engineers come, and no one distractes them from discussion. Agreed to decide during the day how many cells they need and how to fit them in the battery.
  • Next day, engineers proceed from the ready pattern.

Wrong way

  • One engineer did not come, another sent a report by mail. The Scrum-master told about the upcoming work on the battery.
  • Engineers did not find out what the Team had already done and what their colleagues had been working on.

Participants meet in person, so that nothing is going to be missed.

Photo by Headway(Headway) on Unsplash

The main idea is to check

On the Daily Scrum, participants check how close they are to the Sprint Goal and what actions they will take now. The format of the meeting is determined by the Team itself. Participants may have a discussion or take turns and tell what they have done since the last meeting, what they will do to the next one and whether they see any obstacles on their way.

Everybody says, because in the Team all depend on each other. The participants do not consider the meeting to be formal, but try to join efforts for the Sprint Goal.

Engineers work on assembling the battery of electric car. Now it is time to test the damage protection.

Correct way

  • Everyone spoke at the meeting. One engineer said that yesterday he learned about high cost of the second sample. For tests was decided to take a cheaper version.
  • By the next meeting they got the result.

Wrong way

  • The first tests did not give a result. The Product Owner wrote in chat to test a second sample today. A couple of engineers agreed, the rest did not answer.
  • As a result, later they found out a second sample is not suitable because of the high cost.

Every participant will know where the Team is moving and how he will help it.

Takes 15 minutes

The meeting takes not more than 15 minutes. It motivates participants to prepare in advance and speak on topic only. The Scrum-master controls duration of the meeting and the Team has achieved its main task-the Sprint Goal way had been checked and verified.

If there is a problem, it is recorded, but is not immediately solved. After the meeting, the Team agrees who and when will discuss this problem.

Engineers came up with cells to use in the battery, how to fit and protect them. Now they think how to fix the battery inside the electric car.

Correct way

  • The engineer identified the problem with the mount, it was recorded, but did not discuss it at the meeting anymore. Same day, the Team spoke to an expert and found out a solution.

Wrong way

  • One engineer said that the mount is not suitable due to the low center of gravity, and the meeting flowed into this problem discussion. Solution was not found out yet.

The meeting takes 15 minutes for participants to focus on the topic.

The Daily Scrum is not just a planning meeting. It helps the Team to organize their work and achieve the Sprint Goal in the shortest possible way.

How the Team and workflow are arranged, we told in the article “What is scrum”.



  • No one except the Team members has the right to discuss on a Daily Scrum.
  • The team analyzes the progress towards the Sprint Goal and plans the work for the day.
  • The meeting takes 15 minutes and takes place every day at the same time.

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