What is the Sprint Planning

Igor Tretyakov
Published in
5 min readFeb 10, 2018

Sprint Planning is a meeting to determine the purpose and scope of work in the nearest Sprint. The Product Owner, the Development Team and the Scrum-master discuss which direction develop the Product in and how many tasks should be taken in the Sprint. Thanks to the meeting, they have a clear idea of what and how to improve the Product.

Finally, people stopped to carry money in a pyramid scheme — now more and more people are looking for a reliable source of income. One big bank decided to come up with a new service for customers-the purchase of shares, bonds or currency. But to make it more convenient, there should be a section in the Internet Bank.

With Sprint Planning

  • The participants came to the meeting responsibly. The Product Owner spoke about the purpose of the business and the Team sat down to discuss the future work.
  • Immediately understood, that simple section is not enough.

Without planning

  • The Manager briefly gathered the performers, told about the project and gave instructions. The performers obediently started their work.
  • No one paid close attention to the problem, but in vain.
Photo by John Schnobrich(@schnoarts) on Unsplash

Mandatory meeting for all

The Product Owner, the Development Team and the Scrum-master are needed on Sprint Planning. Let’s see what roles they play there.

The Product Owner speaks first. He voiced the agenda and explains what next Sprint to focus on. The team, based on his words, discusses the action plan. The Scrum-master is responsible for all participants were present at the meeting and understood their roles, but he does not enter the conversation.

With Sprint Planning

  • The Scrum-master made the whole Team to present at the meeting: bank analysts, designers and programmers. Analysts told about customers who are ready to invest, but do not know how to do it.
  • Thus, the Team found that it is necessary to add in section an expert advice.

Without planning

  • The Manager called for a meeting designers and developers, but did not wait for analysts, more over they can always be met separately.
  • That is why no one said that the instrument for investment only was not enough.

They will not be able to plan the Sprint fully even due to the lack of one person.

Photo by Daria Nepriakhina(Daria Nepriakhina) on Unsplash

Planning helps to determine the purpose and scope of the work

The Development team and the Product Owner discuss business interests and determine the purpose of the Sprint. It will show the meaning of the future work.

Only the Team decides how many tasks to take in the Sprint. Based on their own experience they predict how many they can provide. The Team takes the tasks from the Product Backlog-they are already sorted according to their importance. As a result, the Team makes the Sprint Backlog: a list of tasks and an indicative plan how to resolve them.

When there are too many or, conversely, very few tasks in the Sprint Backlog, the Product Owner connects to the Team. He helps to highlight the most important ones.

With Sprint Planning

  • The Team admitted that it will not fulfill all the wishes of the business in one Sprint.
  • Agreed that they will provide an opportunity to buy shares first and planned the start of the Sprint.

Without planning

  • The Manager was in such a hurry to start the project that he distributed all the tasks he had and set the most optimistic deadline.
  • By the end of the week it is close to collapse.

The Sprint Goal is determined on the basis of business interests, the scope of work-based on the speed of the Team.

The meeting can take place for two hours, but sometimes even eight

Up to eight hours can be reserved for Sprint Planning, but only if the Sprint lasts for a month. If less, the meeting ends faster. It may seem that the participants are wasting so much time, but this is an important job. It depends just on the Sprint Planning whether the Development Team will succeed. So if necessary the meeting lasts all day long.

The Scrum-master makes sure the time on Sprint Planning is spent usefully. When participants forget about the topic, he brings the conversation back to a constructive course. The task of the Scrum-master is to explain the Product Owner and the Team the importance of the meeting and help them to coordinate the Goal and the Sprint Backlog in the allotted time.

With Sprint Planning

  • The participants understand that the meeting is as important as the rest of the work. They released for it one day and are not going to miss next month.

Without planning

  • The Manager held a meeting in less than an hour. The performers were happy-they did not want to waste time on empty chatter.
  • They will gather more than once to correct mistakes in the plan.

The main thing is that the Goal and the Sprint Backlog must be coordinated by the end of the meeting.

Sprint planning is a mandatory Scrum event. What the Product should look like by the end of the Sprint and how to achieve it is decided on it.

Read also, how to conduct the Daily Scrum or Sprint Review.



  • On the Sprint Planning the Product Owner, Development Team and the Scrum -master formulate the Goal and compose the Sprint Backlog.
  • Meeting takes place for not more than eight hours.

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