Tim Stevens
Published in
10 min readSep 1, 2019

EUNO· Project

This article is created with the intention to provide a transparent in-depth view into the EUNO· cryptocurrency project through important updates and changes in its surroundings

Get comfortable & Let’s begin September with a blast.

Some quick background on us…

Ran by a team of experienced blockchain experts, EUNO· is a transaction platform running on a full-stack blockchain. EUNO· nodes protect privacy by combining end-to-end encryption with a mixed network that obscures and provides anonymity to its users.

The platform’s consensus mechanism enables high security, capable of supporting secure messaging, payments and privacy by choice.

EUNO· is capable of supporting high transaction volumes, with extremely fast processing to support global consumer adoption of the decentralized blockchain.
The first application, EUNO·PAY is currently being built and supports smartphone-based NFC payments. It will serve as one of the first easy-to-use interfaces to pay through Near Field Communications (NFC) including an instant settlement from crypto to fiat at a wide range of Point of Sale(POS) terminals.

To further incentivize the use of EUNO·, Acid Protocol, a reimbursement protocol, is being created when utilizing the NFC app, details can be found here:

EUNO·’s Governance model consists of core team members and masternode operators, through the power of democracy they come together and address, discuss & tackle any topic related to the project.

Feel free to ask questions about EUNO·, get to know the team, and engage with members of the EUNO· community across our social media platforms.

Let’s get to it then..

Community related topics :



We had begun planning a Las Vegas meetup that was scheduled for mid-September 2019, however due to unforeseen circumstances and almost half of the team members not being able to make it we have decided to postpone the meetup for a future date when we can better plan the event. We know that several of you were excited about the meetup and don’t worry, it is still going to happen! More information will be made available at a later date.

Roadmap Progression
The team has decided to replace the traditional roadmap that sets timeframes per objective (quarters) and replace it with progression percentages (%) for projects that we are working on. We feel that this will give a better understanding and allow us to be more transparent on individual project status at any given point in time.

At block 550k. See development update below for further information.

Special Forces:
The Special Forces group ran by some of our dedicated community members. This group utilizes strength in numbers for spreading the word about EUNO. We encourage everyone to join this group to socialize with other passionate people about the EUNO project.
There may be tweets, articles, giveaways and other strategic forms of marketing in this group.

Special Forces just finished a twitter contest:
Most Retweets on 8–31–2019 will win!

1st and 2nd place TIE: 400 EUNO coins each
Congratulations @newsense2004 & @ge_la0906 !

3rd: 200 EUNO coins to @NasrulDp
4th : 50 EUNO coins to @ZealousYahweh

If you’d like to participate in the Special Forces group, you can join at: on Telegram.

We’d be glad to have you!

Channel Admin Resources
We are currently exploring different ways where we can better educate our group admins so that they can have any and all information they may need to help the community when called upon. We will be creating easy to search documentation as well as indexing videos and users’ manuals to use as reference when dealing with a problem. We have begun to implement this, and it will be an ongoing process. We love our volunteers, their dedication to the project and willingness to help and we will do everything we can to give them the resources they need to accomplish this.

We have currently gathered as many administrators of all platforms into one group so that the any topic can be tackled on which the team might be unaware of.

On behalf of the entire team, THANK YOU ADMINS, you are great!

Team related topics :

Jessica Aleskey,
Lead Social Media and Community Outreach Manager,

There has been several people ask where is Jessica aka @princesseuna?
The easy answer to this, she had some things come up in her personal and professional life and needed to step away for the time being to handle those things. We hope that she’ll come back when the timing is better for her. There are zero hard feelings with her decision, we all understand that sometimes breaks are needed for numerous reasons and we all wish her the best.
Once she’s ready to pick it up again she will be received with open arms.

Filling up the space
Because of this departure several tasks will have to be filled in and they will be as followed:
Social Media: Andrew, Lee
Community/Outreach: Andrew, Lee

Internal Communication
Most core communication has successfully made the transition towards Discord and Trello. This decision was made to discuss topics more effectively on a bettered structured platform.

Joining EUNO
We are continuously looking to expand our project and our team, because of this we encourage everyone who thinks their presence could or would add value to the project to apply. Every application gets thoroughly reviewed.

Currently you can apply for:

Full Stack Web Developer

Will work closely with dev team.
Requirements: Good knowledge of PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, VueJS, React Native and Linux

C++ Developer
Future QT Wallet Development




If you would like to apply, please send an email and what position you’re applying for as well as your qualifications to

Marketing related topics :

To further expand and improve our social media user experience :

Multi-Language Telegram Channels
As crypto is available worldwide we would like to make everyone feel welcomed to talk in their native languages.
To achieve this goal, we will be creating several new Telegram channels for French, German & Spanish native speakers.




We will need community support for this and if you’re fluent in a language, feel free to message Andrew @acryptkeeper on telegram if you’d like to volunteer as a channel leader in your language.
(Please be very fluent in the language you apply for as you will be the main source of communication to the channel).

Facebook Group
We have also created a new Facebook Group for EUNO which can be found here:

While we already had a EUNO Facebook Page, research shows that a group is easier to grow and navigate for many users.
The group uses a private setting which means all messages and communication within the group also stays inside the group, this gives everyone the freedom to post freely without filling up their public social feed.

If you’d like to volunteer as a Facebook group admin, you can message Andrew @acryptkeeper to discuss this further.

We look forward to growing with all of you and would like to thank each and every one of you for everything big or small you do for the project. Without our community we wouldn’t have a project, and we’re thankful you decided to call EUNO home.

Vendor related topics :

We are continously reaching out to new vendors, especially e-commerce.
This is because our innovations don’t require us to be accepted in physical shops.

We have succesfully engaged in contact with several vendors which are exploring accepting EUNO for their business as we speak.
Keep an eye out for any vendor update in the future, they will be made public once the integration is completed. Facts only, no rumors.

Development related topics :

Governance Vote
First things first… the Master Node Governance body voted in Q4 2018 for continuous reduction of PoW rewards.
The first reduction, at block number 500,001, reduces mining rewards (Proof of Work) from 9 EUNO per block to 4 EUNO per block.
Fun Fact: There are currently around 200 PoW x11 miners, mining EUNO.

We are pleased to say the blockchain has successfully executed the reduction and there have been no issues.
Reference governance vote:

The soft-fork

We’re giving the blockchain a new path to follow, this also means that the wallets from exchanges, pool owners and partners will have to get updated.
Reference latest wallet :

The new wallets have been tested and are running without any issues.
The voting server also runs on the newest chain parameters.

Test Net
The purpose of the Test Net is to allow us, the community, and potential business partners to develop new features and functions for the EUNO blockchain without interfering with the live chain. Unfortunately, the Test Net build has been moved back to the backlog and will resume once our soft-fork is complete, at block number 550,000. This delay is a result of the most recent governance vote to reduce PoS rewards, as we are busy updating the parameters of the blockchain.

Development of the Electron wallet is currently on hold to commit full focus on finishing out the mobile wallets, EUNO PAY iOS and Android. The status of the Electron wallet hasn’t changed since the last development update, however we will be implementing a new plan for the electron wallet to allow it to function as a lite wallet, meaning you can use the Mnemonic Phrase from the mobile wallet to import your mobile wallet into the Electron Desktop Wallet. Stay tuned for more info on this after the iOS wallet release.

So now what’s happening with the iOS wallet… The iTunes App Store release of the iOS wallet is in process by Apple and we hope to be cleared any day now. Our LLC (Limited Liability Company) named: EUNO Pay LLC, will also be the publisher name in the iTunes App Store. Currently Apple is reviewing the newly created company and app, once Apple gives the final approval, we will publish the wallet in the Appstore.

Some of the other app security features that are being finalized during this period are:
FaceID and Android Fingerprint.
TouchID is already working in the beta build and will come by default with the initial release to the app store. In parallel we are busy finalizing the settings screen to turn ON/OFF the new features. We are also working on the final integration of the
Market View and News View on both mobile wallet platforms.

Stay tuned for the releases as we will have many new updates to the wallet once released to the app store.
The overall progress of Mobile Wallets is around 90% complete.

The website development is currently about 70% complete.
We have successfully converted RektMe Rev’s UI designs into structured HTML and CSS code.
We are now implementing the code into Nuxt programming language.
Once the implementation is complete, we are able to start the production server and switch the website DNS records to the new website server.

Patrick has created a videomessage for everyone regarding EUNO Pay
He had set a personal deadline for himself for the 31st of august :

Ok guys, deadline on info is here! Sorry for waiting until the last minute but many takes were created to make sure I protect the progress done so far in respect to an NDA I signed. EUNO• pay is being developed and although it was an ambitious and some even said “unrealistic” idea… I’m here to say that big players are coming around to the space and want in on the future of payment settling and processing. Thank you goes out to the community and the team who has been working diligently despite my lack of social presence. Thank you all and enjoy your Labor Day weekend!

  • Pat

If you liked this article then I encourage you to clap, you can clap up to 40x.
Feel free to comment on any of our forums found below, like/share and discuss. Just some personal stuff from here on !

A personal note:

I would like to thank you all for reading, I will personally be meeting up with Eugen our Quality Assurance Manager in Germany in the next few weeks. Followed by a flight to Ireland to meet Mr. Lee Watson
the Director of Community and Business Outreach.
To finish off my trip the IT department Arjan and Roger will also be expecting me to make a visit.
Being behind a screen and meeting through a webcam might be the modern age but I still value face to face conversations and looking into someone’s eyes as one of the most important aspects in teambuilding and strengthening internal communication.

As always you can keep up with us on TG or on our website www.EUNO.CO.

Telegram :
Twitter :
LinkedIn :
Facebook :
Instagram :
Reddit :
Binance Info :
BTC Talk :

We’re also available @

  • Blockfolio Signals
  • Delta
  • Crypto talks world
  • CoinMarketCal
  • CoinsCalender
  • Bit Universe
  • Coindar
  • BetweenBlocks
  • ToTheMoon

Exchanges :






EUNO· Privacy by choice cryptocurrency, looking to become a leading payment medium through #NFC mobile payments combined with blockchain technology. (X11 PoW/PoS)

