Women and Self Defense

We Indians are strange. In many areas it is believed that men are the protectors of women but all we see these days is women being raped to strips. Where is our so called culture and rituals, where is the respect that one is supposed to give to the so called women who are considered to be forms of Devi herself then. It’s shocking how the very next day of a rape case we walk out with candles murmuring prayers. Yes! that is exactly what they wanted us to do watch her die in pain and then walk the next day with candles. Where are we taking India? What is wrong with us?

So let’s stop believing that women have a protector in man. Let’s make the god in each of us stronger. If not, make yourself well equipped or your self-defense methods stronger. Just in case, god forbid, if something happens at least you won’t feel helpless.

There are several myths about self-defense. Some women feel that they are too fragile or weak to learn martial arts and some feel they don’t go out provocatively dressed so they are safe. There is no particular time or place for a mishap to take place, and unfortunately it does not message us beforehand saying “mishap is on the way!” Frankly speaking, it’s not the way a women dress up or it’s not because of them that a mishap occurs, mostly its fate, fate that can be controlled to some extent.

Neither is there an age to learn martial arts or self–defense method nor is it difficult to learn. As per studies there are several self-defense techniques such as Taijiquan that can be learned even when you are 70. Learning martial arts or self-defense method is to mentally prepare yourself that you are not weak and that you can fight back, you can be your own protector! Understand that you are not training to merely defend yourself but it also builds your self-confidence. Most of the time when a man tries to hurt women, we freeze. All the years of self-confidence drops, no longer does the money we earned or the years of studies come in hand. That is where your self-defense training comes in hand. It will provide you with the feeling that you can handle the situation when it comes, it won’t let you freeze because you are mentally prepared for it. Men aren’t stronger than women, ultimately we all are humans and all of us are having equal powers. It’s up to you how you prefer to use those powers.

In the 21st century we have mobile phones and pepper spray. Even if you do manage to call a person it’s very unlikely that the person will be able to defeat the Indian traffic and reach you on time. Unless of course if the person is superman or has a flying carpet. Then pepper spray can come in handy but it’s not always effective. If it’s a windy day or if you are in air-conditioned place it’s more likely to hurt you than the person trying to hurt you. A stun gun is more effective, which is basically a gun that can give electric shock. But yes I would still stay to be on safer side learn self-defense methods or martial arts.

Time is another problem. At this era going to classes and learning martial arts or self-defense methods on regular basis is difficult. But there is no need of going to any classes in fact there are steps of self-defense methods given online. And I am pretty sure it will just take 15 mins of our precious time to enlighten us with knowledge that can pretty much save us.

While travelling it is more likely suggested to not wear too much jewelry, especially when you are travelling using public transport. Try not to wear shoes or sandals that are not comfortable as it may be a trouble when you are trying to run. Learn to say NO when you feel uncomfortable. Understand that a true lover would make his women feel comfortable, his behavior won’t make her feel disrespectful about herself. Stand up for yourself and others. When you see a person trying to hurt others, try standing up for them because what happens to them today could be something you face tomorrow. But be sure not to use offensive language or abusive tone as it may worsen the situation.

Understanding and building up your confidence is what self-defense rewards you with. There is no proper alternative than learning to become your own protector. Be it a woman or a man, try learning to become stronger and a better person. Try not making a mistake that can leave a scar on his or her life forever. I understand anger is the criminal and we are just victims of the situation but sometimes some situations can be changed by just a mere thought. Hence try making this world a better place to live in and learn to prevent or change a situation rather than being a victim of it. I would not like to agree to the philosophy that says everything happens for a reason in this situation, I would rather like to say change the situation before it changes you!

  • Sanjana Nair



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