[Photo Essay] Semantic Design System (Part -2) : The Nuclear Design Model

Samir Dash
Published in
3 min readSep 8, 2018


[NOTE: Check the part 1 at : https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/photo-essay-semantic-design-system-part-1-gaps-todays-samir-dash/]

This originally part of a talk I gave at UX-India Pre-Conference Meetup at Symbiosis College, Bengaluru on 1st September 2018, titled: Semantic Design System — Redefining Design Systems for DesOps . The talk explored the existing implementations of design-systems and will be making an attempt to provide high-level approach to define design systems for the next-gen enterprises.

“Design System” plays a critical role in bringing a common language and consistency in experience across different products and brands of the organisation, along with fuelling a collaborative approach towards design, making it easier for different team members to contribute.

(Continued to next post. )

#nucleardesign #design #desops #designops #designsystem

© Samir Dash, 2018. All rights reserved. This content including the images are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license

