Welcome to Euphemist

Sara Cooper
Published in
2 min readMar 30, 2020

Euphemist gathers stories about the politics, culture, technology and everything else that exists on the European continent. Our vision is to curate the most relevant and gripping journalism from around Europe.

Euphemist is a space for long form journalism — that means anything around 2,000 words and up. A Euphemist story explains something about the European experience, and helps readers understand big concepts by breaking them down to real life examples. Stories can come from Europeans or transplants. They cover anything from big-picture policy changes, to changes at your local café.

Europe is a big place and an even bigger idea. It feels like there’s always something happening, in every little corner of every little town, from Norway to Romania. Euphemist brings together all those stories to create a collage of what it is like to live in Europe. Today. Right now.

Pitching Euphemist

We want your stories! Whether you’re going to a film festival in Reykjavik or have a scoop about the next great startup in Athens, send it along. If you know something special about a new law, or are following a particularly tense local election, we want to know!

Stories should be at least 2,000 words and written in a journalistic style (personal narrative included, just make sure it’s on a relevant theme). Please, no academic writing.

The easiest way to pitch is to write a full draft on Medium and send a draft link to euphemisteditors@gmail.com.

Please make sure your bio is completed! If you want to make our lives easier, you can write your subject line as “Pitch [Section] — [Headline]”.

At the moment, we only have the capacity to review submissions in English, Spanish and French. If you want to apply to be an editor, email us at euphemisteditors@gmail.com.



Sara Cooper

@saracooper_ Chicago native, I am a data analyst and writer living in Berlin. I transform data into deep, engaging and human stories.