Do more with Profile Management — eureca

How to create multiple profiles in eureca and assess performance separately

Abhinav Prakash
4 min readOct 9, 2018


Profile Management — primer

We are glad to release our latest feature within eureca, viz. Profile Management. It took us around a month to get it out with intensive support from our Beta users, who we can never be more thankful to. Though one can use eureca without adding a profile, we recommend using this feature to get the most benefit out of it.

TL;DR: Add profiles, delete profiles. Lifecycle of Profile Management in eureca (video on YouTube)

Why Profile Management?

The purpose of a learning-assisting tool which claims to support education professionals, teachers, parent and guardians in enabling learning and education for any/ everyone, is unfulfilled without apt performance assessment. Otherwise, how would we know whether the purpose for education in the first place is met or not.

With the emphasis on Augmented Reality in eureca, it is all the more imperative for us to work towards reimagining performance assessment framework at the juxtaposition of real and virtual world. We believe performance assessment should be normative in nature and should support adult with kids under their supervision with detailed, insightful and, more importantly, actionable insights. In order to enable such a keen understanding and clear presentation of insights, profile management is our first step.

Profile Management allows you to add separate profile for kids under your supervision, thus separating complexities of learning modules, and performance metrics for each profile.

How Profile Management?

Add Profiles

  1. You need to have the app :) Download eureca from AppStore (We’re only on iOS currently). PS: Talk to us after using it, and tell us how we can improve it.
eureca on AppStore

2. Open the app and add profile using “+” button on the main screen. Do check out data policy.

3. Proceed to Sign Up with either Google or your own email address. Authorisation is a requirement for signing in. We only want sign up to be used by adult supervisors, including but not limited to Educators, Teachers, Parents and Guardians.

4. After Sign Up, you can add profiles using “+” button again. Adding profiles requires authorisation. We want only adults with kids under their supervision to add/ delete profiles for reasons as pointed out within our Data Policy. We request your understand in this matter of data privacy and control.

5. Enjoy learning in a new way within your profile

Performance Metrics per Profile

  1. Monitor Performance per profile.

2. Reset performance metrics per profile.Tap on the Trash button next to selected profile to reset its performance metrics till now. Authorisation by educator, parent, guardian or any adult supervisor is required for deleting performance data, for understandable reasons, clarified within our Data Policy.

Delete Profile

  1. On the mail screen long press on any profile to delete it. Authorisation is required for deleting a profile. Please note that deleting a profile deletes its performance data completely.

That’s all for this release. Talk to us about profiles, talk to us about anything, we love to talk :)

