The EUREKA Submission Process: from Online-editor to Ethereum Blockchain

Lucas Pelloni
Published in
4 min readSep 5, 2018
The EUREKA Platform’s welcome screen

How are you planning to have the transactions between authors, reviewers and editors set up?

The interaction will happen in app. Let’s say I’m an author and I want to submit an article. I write my article using our draftJs-based online editor which is pretty similar to the ScienceMatters online editor.

The EUREKA Platform’s online editor (simplified)

Once you click on the submit button, your draft, which can be viewed as a huge Javascript object, gets hashed using SHA256, which is a well-known cryptographic hash algorithm. After that, EUREKA’s UI will show you a set of parameters [see picture below], which will be used as input data for the smart contract transaction.

EUREKA Platform’s smart contract input data

Once you confirm these parameters, an http request is sent to our convenience layer for changing the article’s state and storing its hash in our database. Synchronously, our front-end sends a transaction to the EUREKA’s smart contract. Afterwards, it shows the transaction hash so that each author is able to track the transaction’s status and see if the relevant metadata are stored on the Ethereum blockchain.

EUREKA Platform’s smart contract transaction hash

Since our convenience layer monitors all events in the smart contract, it recognises that a new submission triggers the smart contract. So it looks for a possible match between the hash saved in the database and the hash stored in the blockchain.

In doing so, EUREKA’s convenience layer is able to keep the front-end updated about the current state of the submitted draft and the executed transactions.

Do you think blockchain needs a critical mass for adoption of this technology? What are the challenges to mass adoption?

In my opinion, blockchain technology and the way we now interact with the blockchain sound complicated for people who don’t have a technical background. So if the community continues to improve all blockchain-related services for the average user, it’s going to become normal to talk about public and private keys. That would be a great step towards mass adoption. So the critical point is that there is a lot of misinformation about blockchain, and this technology has some barriers to overcome, but I’m confident that the users will overcome these barriers.

So, what you’re doing is making the EUREKA Platform as user-friendly as possible to remove those barriers.

Yes. So, for example, the simple step of getting of putting your public and private key into MetaMask and that’s it. You can use the platform. It has been a big challenge to get the platform to this level of accessibility but it works. There are more solutions and we rely on our growing community to get to the next step.

What research have you been involved in?

I approached blockchain in 2016. The first topics of interest for were about security challenges in smart contracts. I’ve studied well known attacks, for example DAOs, on smart contracts. Then I was involved in blockchain governance research, for example, the way in which everyone thinks that blockchain is a new sources of problems for decision making processes. My other research has concerned ScienceMatters and how the possibilities for improving science publishing have come up.

EUREKA is a scientific review and rating platform fuelled by the EUREKA token, which has the potential to radically improve the $20 billion global science publishing industry and the science research process.

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The EUREKA team is from the established open access Swiss science publisher, which will be the first to implement the EUREKA Platform.

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