Brief Rup: My university faces the sea

Seven universities create a European campus of higher education in the outermost regions

Europa Rup
Europa Rup
5 min readMar 17, 2019


© Université des Antilles, Guadeloupe, 2019.

Léalo en Español.

FEW HAVE expressed the island condition with the accuracy of the ultraperipheral poet Domingo Rivero (Canarias, 1852–1929). “My office overlooks the sea” -he wrote: an accurate emblem of the effort and advantage of thinking about the world from a European island far from Europe. Seven universities in outermost Europe have just joined together to create a European and Europeanist campus, overlooking the sea. With the Campus Rup project, they opt for the recognition of the Commission as one of the 16 first European Universities.

In Europe Rup, we look to the vision of an oceanic highway for the cosmopolitan mobility of young Europeans, science and creativity in the outermost regions. We begin, with this delivery, a series of contents dedicated to Campus Rup.

From here to June — when it is estimated that the Commission will resolve the call of the European Universities Initiative — we will analyze in detail the benefits of the project. In addition, we will interview the leaders of the alliance, to know the strengths that each university contributes to the Campus Rup.

If the island is the ideal place to acquire a universalist perspective, as Juan Manuel Trujillo — another intellectual from outermost Europe — saw, a campus open to the sea could be the university that Europe needs to respond to the challenge of the tribal sorcerers that reappear in the continent.


March 18th

Council of Agriculture and Fisheries. CAP reform package 2021–2027 . European Bioeconomy Strategy.

March 19th

General Affairs Council.Political debate on the financial framework 2021–2027.Preparation of the European Council of 21 and 22 March .

Brexit — Outdoor regions

The first to notice the impact of a Brexit without agreement will be the regions and cities on either side of the English Channel. For Michel Barnier, EU negotiator with London, "the preparations for a non-agreement are more important than ever." The date of March 30 designated for the disconnection is approaching and "the effects of a chaotic disruption could be colossal," according to Karl-Heinz Lambertz, president of the Committee of the Regions, which last Thursday and Friday has held the European Summit of Regions and Cities , with more than 500 local leaders from all over Europe gathered in Bucharest. The Brexit has been one of the outstanding chapters of the debate, which had first-hand information about the contribution of Mr. Barnier to the localist summit. The degree of exposure to a Brexit without agreement varies from one region to another. A study by the Committee of the Regions published in 2018 identified some of the most vulnerable regions in Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Italy and Spain. At this week's European Council - Thursday and Friday - EU leaders will deliberate on the latest offer from the United Kingdom, adopted by its Parliament a few days ago: postpone the disengagement and continue negotiating.

European Council — The Renaissance of Macron

Still the manifesto of Emmanuel Macron For a European Renaissance, inserted as advertising in the main newspapers of the continent, in the context of the election campaign from May to the European Parliament. Macron proposes a re-foundation of the European project, accelerating integration, reinforcing the institutions of Brussels and promoting more decisively the Europeanism among citizens. The exit of the United Kingdom from the EU implies a lesson - affirms the French president, who invites to choose in May pro-European candidacies in front of the option that represents the parties of extreme right, populist and identity. The leader of France on March has a vision for Africa, the continent closest to the outermost regions of Mayotte, La Réunion and the Canary Islands: "A Europe that is projected towards the rest of the world must look to Africa, with whom we must seal a pact of the future, assuming a common destiny and supporting its development in an ambitious and non-defensive way with investment, university collaboration, education and training of girls, etc. "France is the third country with the most embassies and consulates in Africa (47), only behind China (52) and the United States (49), according to a count published by The Economist in its weekly edition from 9 to 15 March. The European Union is the first commercial partner of Africa, with exchanges worth 156,000 million dollars in 2018, according to the International Monetary Fund - quoted by The Economist in the same issue. Macron's letter is an unprecedented communication. For the first time, a head of state of the EU addresses European citizens as a single electoral body. Your France on March can be decisive in shaping a pro-European majority in Parliament that will come out of the May elections. His faith in a European Renaissance contrasts with the panorama of the European Council summit this week, entangled in the Brexit mess, and with the signs of a nationalist involution growing in the polls.

Here the conversation begins

"Citizens of Europe: the impasse of Brexit serves as a lesson to all.Let's get out of this trap and let's make sense of the upcoming elections and our project. You decide if Europe and the values ​​of progress it represents should be more than a parenthesis in history.This is the proposal that I make to them to draw together the path of the European Renaissance. "

Emmanuel Macron, "For a European Renaissance" , March 4, 2019.

Have a productive day. Send us clues, comments and outermost universities maps to . Follow us on Twitter as @europarup .

Alicia R. Mederos edited today's Brief Rup .

See you soon!



Europa Rup
Europa Rup

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