Video statement by Gabriele Bischoff, MEP

Stiftung Zukunft Berlin
Europe Bottom-Up
Published in
2 min readOct 12, 2021
Picture by W. Salesski
Gabriele Bischoff on Europe bottom-up.

GABRIELE BISCHOFF has been elected as Member of the European Parliament for the Socialists and Democrats Group in May 2019. She serves as Vice-Chair of the Committee for Constitutional Affairs (AFCO) and as full member of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) and Substitute of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON). She commits her parliamentary work to core social-democratic topics such as: a fair and functioning European labor market, decent minimum wages and more democracy at the workplace. In her capacity as AFCO Vice Chair and member of the EP delegation to the “Conference on the Future of Europe” she is dedicated to ensuring a broad participation of citizens within this reform process.

Gabriele Bischoff began her working career at the Berlin Institute for Social Research and subsequently worked at the FHW Berlin School of Economics as a researcher. In 1990, she started to work full-time at IG Metall Germany as a senior advisor for equality. She became Head of Department and was an active member of the EMF and the ETUC Women’s Committees. In 2000, she worked at the Permanent Representation of Germany to the EU as Social Attaché in Brussels, where she was responsible for European social dialogue. After that, she worked as a senior advisor for the EU Presidency in the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs in Germany, dealing particularly with social partner meetings and conferences. Between 2008 and 2014, she was Head of the European Policy Department at the Federal Executive of DGB. Gabriele Bischoff had been the President of the Workers’ Group of the European Economic and Social Committee from October 2015 until March 2019.

She is Vice-President of the “Europa-Union” in Germany and a board member of SPD-queer in Berlin.

Gabriele Bischoff studied Political Science at the Universities of Marburg and Berlin and holds a diploma in political science from the Free University of Berlin.



Stiftung Zukunft Berlin
Europe Bottom-Up

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