Day 6: Rotterdam

Thursday 11 June 2009 / Rest day

Got up at 11. Slept on mattress. Weetabix and cheesecake yoghurt. Went to another cafe on ‘Rod Stewart Avenue’ and decided our plan for day. Cristina wanted to go to natural history museum with us so we went to old town and saw windmill. Crazy woman spoke to us and gave us her number. Wanted us to go to her house. Cycled back to town and got paninis before going to St. Tropez for coffees. Guy tried to overcharge for them, maybe jokingly? Christina couldn't go to natural history museum so went alone. €4 but not worth it except for turtle picture and congealed calf heads. Took funny pics of leg statue. Went to port museum, very strange workshop. Smelling draws. Knots. Lift. Almost locked out. Met Christina at church and went for mini pancakes with butter and icing sugar before going home. Did washing. Chatted and read. Went to shops just before 8. Matt cooked after I chopped. Chatted with Christina about language and she taught me some stuff.* Ate and then listened to music and chatted. *Went to euro mast and just made last entry. Washed clothes and some were damp. View were amazing. Sunset. Korola came with wine and we drank before going to Rotown. Very quiet. Cheap drinks though. Went to other clubs but all closed. Took pictures on friendship boat. Went to bar near Rotown after cycling for about 2 hours it seemed! Got home past 4am and it was getting light.

Played scissors, paper, stone and hole [or mole — illegible]!

