Madrid —


Dirty welcome

Europe & Europeans
Published in
2 min readNov 11, 2013


As we encountered practically no clouds, I spent almost the complete flight from Hamburg to Madrid with my face glued to the window of the CRJ 900, definitely enjoying the diverse succession of Europeans landscapes: from the Elbe to the Weser and then south across a succession of flat green fields that eventually turned brownish on the Spanish sierras.

Touching Barajas’ tarmac (Madrid airport), I was positively surprised by the warmth of the sun (+21°C, meaning about 15°C more than when I departed) and started taking off layers of warm clothes.

After work I went for a stroll downtown and I was very negatively impressed: garbage everywhere.

Trash bins overflowing with garbage.

Bags of garbage just in front of the El Corte Ingles.

Garbage all along the streets.

What did it happen?

A strike. But no health issue so far according to the authorities (and El Mundo).

Locals seem almost not to notice it. I do not know if it is because they support the workers on strike or because they are already used to such a sad view.

If it is the latter, well, I would worry, a lot. In my humble opinion it is a basic civil rule to keep your city, each city, clean and each one of us should do its best to achieve it.



Europe & Europeans

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