A Recap of the London Fall Policy Convention 2023

By Joshua Jones

After launching our Transatlantic Leaders Fellowship program in Washington D.C., European Horizons had the joy of welcoming our European fellows to London for the second Fall Policy Convention. On 16 and 17 November, over 40 fellows from 20 countries gathered at Europe House to delve into key issues surrounding transatlantic affairs and what it means to lead a career in this field. As well as an opportunity for fellows to get to know one another and the European Horizons team, we led multiple workshops across the two days focused on developing key skills required in policymaking. We were also honoured to host an array of distinguished guest speakers, who each provided invaluable insights into the European and transatlantic field and shared their experiences as influential players. To celebrate this milestone, we are excited to provide a recap of the London Fall Policy Convention 2023.

Guest Speakers

Over the course of the two days we were delighted to host a range of experts on European and transatlantic affairs to discuss the key questions of our times. Indeed, our keynote speaker, Danuta Hübner MEP, touched on matters spanning climate change, the digital revolution, and EU reform to conclude the first day of the Convention. Having served as a Member of the European Parliament since 2009 and as Chair of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs, amongst many other achievements, Ms Hübner adeptly addressed questions surrounding EU institutional reform in addition to the bloc’s internal and external relations. What’s more, spurred on by fellows’ incisive questions, Ms Hübner went on with incredible scope to consider the EU’s international development activities and strategic autonomy at a time of significant American influence on the global stage.

On the second day, we had the pleasure to host a lively panel discussion focused on “2024: The Year of Groundbreaking Elections for the Transatlantic Community’’. Moderated by Elena Lazarou (Head of the External Policies Unit of the European Parliamentary Research Service), the panel comprised of Jeffries Briginshaw (Senior Director of Transatlantic Policy Network), Andrew Moravcisk (Professor and Director of the European Union Program at Princeton University), Jill Rutter (Senior Fellow at the Institute for Government and UK in a Changing Europe), and Antony Teasdale (Visiting Professor at LSE and former Director General of the European Parliamentary Research Service). With unparalleled insight into various aspects of European and transatlantic relations, discussion ranged across the potential implications of the upcoming elections in the US, UK, and Europe. Encouraged by questions from the audience, the defining impact of technology, the role of youth, and the future dynamics of the transatlantic alliance were just some of the many topics that fellows and panelists discussed.

Alumni Panel

Alongside our honourary speakers, fellows had the opportunity to engage with European Horizons’ alumni as part of our second panel discussion. In this session, Amelia Hacon (Policy Adviser at the UK Government and former EuH Policy Director) and Gabrielle Bernoville (Policy Assistant at the European Commision and former EuH Director of Public and Institutional Relations) provided great encouragement by discussing their respective experiences at European Horizons and career journeys to date. As both Amelia and Gabrielle recognised the challenges and excitement of navigating the European and transatlantic field as young professionals, so did they speak to the value of community and reflection in achieving their goals. At European Horizons we aim to provide such space and opportunities for aspiring students and we are immensely grateful to our alumni for their continued support.

The Journey Continues

As the Fall Policy Conventions mark the start of our Transatlantic Leadership Fellowship, the experience would not be complete without practical sessions designed to provide a grounding in key skills that will aid fellows on their journey forwards. With this in mind, our Policy team ran three engaging workshops focused on policymaking. Through a crisis simulation on the first day, fellows gained a taste of the challenges states face at moments of international instability and the various considerations required to navigate negotiations. On Day Two, we ran two further workshops exploring how to write effective policy memos and how multinational bodies such as the European Union effectively select and tackle policy problems. We hope that over the coming year fellows will be able to draw on these skills as they delve deeper into what it means to work at the forefront of European and transatlantic policymaking.

The European Horizons team has been thrilled to host the Fall Policy Conventions in D.C. and London over the past month. We would like to thank all of the fellows for their enthusiastic participation as well as our wonderful guest speakers. Our gratitude sincerely extends also to the European Parliament Liaison Offices in both Washington D.C. and London, who so generously hosted the Conventions and continue to support our work. To reiterate the encouragement of Stefano Sannino (Secretary-General of the European External Action Service), who kindly spoke to our fellows in London, student engagement with policymaking is crucial to ensure a healthy dialogue in which all interests and perspectives are represented. It is European Horizons’ mission to support such involvement and, with such a diverse and talented group of fellows, we are excited for the journey ahead.

In partnership with the European Parliament and Together.eu

Hosted by the UK European Parliament Liaison Office

Joshua Jones is Publications Director at European Horizons and a recent graduate of University College London, where he studied History. His research interests include digital democracy, disinformation, and human rights.



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Transatlantic Perspectives

European Horizons empowers youth to foster a stronger transatlantic bond and a more united Europe.