A single sky for the European Union

Stephane Rangaya
European Union
Published in
2 min readDec 7, 2015

The European Commission Jean-Claud Juncker made a new aviation strategy a priority for 2015 and the Commission just presented it today: the European Union’s sky is now moving towards being a single sky and market regarding its air space. What does that mean? Great things!

The EU as a leading player

Aviation is essential to the European economy as it employs 2 million people and generate 110 billion euros per year. That’s without counting the opportunities for trade and tourism driven by this industry.

With the new aviation strategy, the EU can now act as a single market and use this as a leverage when discussing with other key markets such as China, the Middle East and others. This will help create more flights, more routes between the Union and its partners as well as increase business opportunities for them.

Control an inevitable growth to protect the environment

Optimizing the European Union is not only great to reduce costs, it’s also a corner stone to reduce the ecological impact of an industry that is here to stay.

The fragmentation of the European airspace costs at least €5 billion a year and up to 50 million tonnes of CO2.

The European Union’s air space traffic is expected to increase by 50% by 2035. Working together as a single strategy ensures the environment is put at the center of the challenges the Union needs to tackle and that this growth is not only viewed as a business opportunity.

Maintain world-class standards

The European Union is already an example in terms of safety, security, environment, social issues and passenger rights. This aviation strategy ensures these values are kept and reinforced so the Union can lead by example the rest of the world.

Progress and innovation

Aviation is one of the most innovative industries. Drones, for example, are no longer just a hobby with successful European drone companies such as Parrot or HEXO+. In order for these new opportunities to strive, the European Union needs to set a framework in place where companies and aviation safety teams can work together. One of the goal of this new aviation strategy is exactly towards this goal: let innovation and progress prosper while ensuring the safety of all.

You can learn more about this new aviation strategy as well as follow the avancements of the Commission on the European Commission’s website.

