Announcing the EuropeChain Proxy

Published in
2 min readMar 1, 2019

Empowering European Business

For EOS to be successfully adopted by the 850 Million residents of the European Union, we need a chain with compliance built in. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) aims to protect citizens across Europe from data breach — Europechain ensures compliance with this complex set of laws. Europe1proxy supports Block Producers behind EuropeChain.

Founded by eosDublin, eosAmsterdam, DutchEOS, and CrypoLions, the EuropeChain sister chain is a step forward for blockchain technology as a whole and for the EOSIO network. EOS is not only the fastest blockchain in existence, its Delegated Proof of Stake structure creates the opportunity for governance.

EuropeChain is fully compliant with all European Union laws. EuropeChain will empower European businesses to build applications and support European innovation with custom blockchain infrastructure.

Governance on any Chain

We believe in governance. EOS Amsterdam, one of the principal founders of EuropeChain, has also proposed a referendum on the EOS Community Constitution.

This referendum is ready to be voted on by any EOS holder using the Scatter application. We believe the ECC is a watershed moment for the EOS network and represents significant progress towards governance, even “no” votes are driving the dialogue forward.

By voting with the EuropeChain proxy, you will be casting a vote for solid governance, both on EOS mainnet and on its sister chain. EuropeChain block producers are building a bridge towards mass adoption, making blockchain technology available to businesses across the EU.

Please join us in adding your vote to the ECC referendum and in supporting governance by voting europe1proxy.

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Block Producer in Republic of Ireland. Here since the beginning. Always looking to add value. If you have read this far, much love.