Camden’s efforts to improve London’s air quality

Euston Town
Euston Town News
Published in
3 min readMar 13, 2018

Anti-idling penalty charges

As of 12th March, Camden Council have enforced a policy in an effort to tackle harmful air pollution; drivers in Camden will face anti-idling penalty charges if they are persistently caught leaving their engine running while their vehicles are stationary.

Idling vehicles increase the amount of exhaust fumes in the air which can lead to harmful pollution, and a real problem arises when cars are at a standstill in traffic jams or outside schools. Research by King’s College London estimated that it contributed to approximately 10,000 deaths last year, and it is also a particular concern for child health, as it can stunt lung growth and affect lung capacity. It is therefore of utmost importance to address these issues as soon as possible.

Environmental Enforcement Officers will be working in hotspot areas to educate drivers about the impact of engine idling, asking them why they’re doing it, talk to them about why it’s bad for the environment, and take enforcement action with a Fixed Penalty Notice if they don’t comply.

Find out more about the anti-idling actions here.

Read this to find out how to get involved in anti-idling activities in London.

‘Neighbourhoods of the Future’ project funding

As well as this, Camden Council has recently been awarded £359,500 in funding from the Mayor of London, Transport for London and London Council to accelerate a switch to cleaner vehicles in a bid to deliver a ‘Neighbourhoods of the Future’ project.

Councillor Adam Harrison, Cabinet Member for Improving Camden’s Environment, has said:

“Cleaning up our air is one of the major challenges of our era. Concerns about air quality in this area are high on the agenda for the council, residents and schools.”

“This funding will allow us to install new electric vehicle charging points in the Fitzjohn and Frognal area of Hampstead, where a community-led air-monitoring project identified that there was a particular problem.”

“The impact of the ‘school run’ is something residents across the borough have raised with us very forcefully. With this new funding, pupils will benefit from a range of measures, including streets in the local area being restricted to electric vehicles and local access only.”

These actions are great news for us as we are committed to improving green space, protecting local air quality and contributing to a city wide effort to create a more sustainable future, and our partner organisation Camden Town Unlimited are dedicated to sustainability initiatives. But it’s fantastic that these actions are also being paired with raising awareness and changing behaviour. This approach reflects our Low Emission Neighbourhood project, which aims to discourage the use of Euston Road when walking and to lead pedestrians to the open green space of Regents Park, whilst educating the community about air quality through public art.

Join the campaign to improve air quality by signing Camden Council’s pledge that you will take action towards Clean Air for Camden.



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Euston Town News

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