Following Incident in Manchester

A message from the Met Police:

Euston Town
Euston Town News
1 min readMay 23, 2017


Following the incident in Manchester last night (Monday, 22 May), the Metropolitan Police has enhanced the level of officers on our streets to protect all our communities across the capital.

Over the next few days people will see an increased number of officers on duty — both armed and unarmed — who will provide a highly visible, reassurance presence across London, this will continue for as long as is necessary.

Investigations continue by our counterparts at Greater Manchester Police and the Northwest Counter Terrorism Unit into last night’s horrific events and we will do all we can to support them in this work.

Members of the public concerned about individuals who may have attended the concert to contact the emergency number 0161 856 9400.

To report anything suspicious to call 0800 789 321.



Euston Town
Euston Town News

A partnership working towards a bright future for Euston and its communities. The station is just the beginning!