Meanwhile; Art Space

Euston Town
Euston Town News
Published in
4 min readMay 30, 2018

Press release for Euston Town’s meanwhile use of a vacant HS2 building, filling it with a month-long programme of artists, creatives and local organisations. Bringing some life to the commute!


For immediate release

Euston Town: “Meanwhile; Arts Space”

Euston Town BID uses HS2’s vacant Euston Station unit to exhibit the work of local creatives and offer free, invaluable exposure to thousands of commuters in a month-long programme.

29th May — 21st June

• A month-long programme of artists and local organisations exhibiting their work
• Giving emerging creatives and small community organisations an opportunity to spread their message to a wider audience
• Paving the way for the future use of vacant space for the use of creatives or small businesses, allowing them to benefit from enormous developments taking place
• Press photos of first exhibition by MTArt available here.

Euston Town business improvement district announces ‘Meanwhile: Arts Space’, a month-long programme of local artists and creative organisations exhibiting their work to the thousands of commuters who pass through Euston Station.

HS2 have compulsory purchased many buildings in Euston which in some cases are lying vacant ahead of the construction project, no longer contributing to the area. The BID believes strongly in the ‘meanwhile use’ of empty buildings, which can hold invaluable opportunities for small businesses or creatives who are in desperate need of free or cheap workspace.

CSJV and Skanska are currently responsible for this particular unit and have kindly allowed Euston Town BID to take it over for four weeks.

The unit on the station concourse, previously the Oliver Bonas shop, has undergone a hasty clean and paint. Despite the incredibly short notice, the BID was absolutely delighted to undertake the project and set about contacting local art organisations to get on board. We wanted to provide them with a platform to talk about their work, invite people in to the shop and break up the daily commute with art that carries fascinating narratives and helps to promote the character of Euston that lies behind the HS2 headlines.

The first exhibition has been curated by MTArt Agency, representing and supporting emerging artists with an innovative, holistic approach. Director Marine called the exhibition To Hope, with a narrative that explores the future of cities that are built around inspiring creativity and meaningful visuals.

Marine said of the exhibition:

“‘To Hope’ is a poem by poet John Keats whose hopes for our cities and society were very high. We have chosen a group of visual artists, all based in London, responding with both the challenges and hopes that we face as Londoners.”

The timetable is still being finalised but upcoming exhibitions will be from Chalton Gallery, Zabludowicz Collection and a live rehearsal installation by Camden People’s Theatre.

The shop will be opened and invigilated for two hours early morning and two hours at the end of the day, maximising the exposure to commuters.

Euston Town CEO Simon Pitkeathley said:

“Aside from being an excellent opportunity for artists and organisations, this does also help us focus on the desperate need for reasonably priced workspace in central London. Young creatives are being pushed out by high rent prices, and any loss of small business communities will be felt by the London economy on the whole. Developments like HS2 can be in an excellent position to offer workspace and make use of buildings whilst they are vacant.”

We hope this month-long programme will show the way for the meanwhile use of vacant buildings during major construction projects, to the benefit of the local community.

I’d be delighted for you to come down and take a look around the space with me, and meet some of the contributing artists.

Contact Georgie Street at or on 07506 737 773 to arrange a time to visit or discuss further on the phone.

Notes to editors

Euston Town is a business improvement district with three main areas of focus: making the most of HS2, tackling Euston’s air quality emergency and uncovering and promoting the identity of Euston, ensuring it is preserved through major development.

HS2 is a major transportation project, building a High Speed rail connection between 8 of the UK’s 10 largest cities. Euston Town was elected with a mandate to make the best of the major development that this project will bring, to do all we can to protect existing businesses and to ensure the final product is something that benefits all communities.

CSJV and Skanska are currently contracted for HS2 works.



Euston Town
Euston Town News

A partnership working towards a bright future for Euston and its communities. The station is just the beginning!