Part 1: The Objectives of #EustonGreenLink

A more detailed description of the objectives of our Euston Green Link project

Euston Town
Euston Town News
3 min readMay 1, 2018


1. Healthy High Streets

The interventions and justification for the greening projects for the Euston Green Link have been developed in line with the Government’s ‘Healthy High Streets’ strategy, outlining how the high street can be a local asset that improves the health and wellbeing of the community. This Read more about the ‘Healthy High Streets’ strategy here.

2. Drummond Street

For the independent businesses on Drummond Street not just to survive in what could be a hostile environment, but to enjoy the benefits of a public realm project that allows them to thrive and strengthen as an independent high street.

3. Health and wellbeing

To help mitigate the effects of living amongst a construction site for many years. Providing green space, community-consulted arts projects and an improved public realm will have a positive effect on the mental and physical wellbeing of stakeholders.

4. Promote the value of small businesses

For this project to succeed, it should prove that independent small businesses complement the values of green infrastructure projects and should be considered vital and conductive to a health community.

5. Inspire conversation

The project is motivated by the chronic air quality issue facing Euston, and interventions will reflect this. Whilst being realistic about the actual effects of green infrastructure on local air quality, we hope to spark conversation and encourage thought about climate change and the effects of pollution.

6. Introducing Regents Park

To change any perceptions that Regents Park is not a green space to be enjoyed by local employees and residents. Using signage and destinations to map out a route that has been designed with the community in mind, ending in Regents Park. Inspire the use of this space for events.

7. Innovation

To help influence future permanent uses of green space and implementation of green infrastructure. To contribute to the discussion on sustainability and reflect our commitment through our partnerships, material selections and messages.

Coming up next:

‘The Context of our #EustonGreenLink project’



Euston Town
Euston Town News

A partnership working towards a bright future for Euston and its communities. The station is just the beginning!