The Job: The Beginning

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2 min readOct 12, 2010

It is the night before my last day in my current role and as one door closes another opens (cliché ahoy). Next week I start my new job and it will be an exciting and nerve racking time as I move into my dream company.

This quest started a few months ago when I was looking for a new role and the traditional job search methods weren’t working for me, I was sitting at home on the couch and thought, why don’t I get a boss to come to me and from that I wrote my post, are you my next boss?

I’ve received some questions since being offered my new role, mostly around whether my current company was aware of my blog. The answer to that is for the most part no, many people in my team and a few managers did know but it was not common knowledge across the company. It was a risk, but I thought that the possible rewards and benefits would offset any potential downfalls, and as it would seem I was right.

The reason I was contacted for my new role was directly as a result of my blog, my use of twitter and also a blog by Justin Hillier, so there’s some proof that it was worth the risk. I’ll get to the point, my new role (drum roll please….) is at Deloitte, or more specifically Deloitte Digital, and my new role sitting within the Leadership Academy. I’d like to use this opportunity to say YAAAAYYYYY! But moving on, I’m really excited not only to be going into a great company, now the number one of the Big 4 firms, but also to be going into such an exciting role.

This role is going to challenge me, working with people who are great at what they do and who strive to be the best will challenge me and getting out of back office HR will challenge me. I am more than ready for it, and I’ve been getting giddy with excitement just thinking about it.

Since being offered the role I’ve received messages of congratulations from current Deloittians which has added to my excitement about joining Green Dot. I’ve also received strong encouragement from Pete Williams (who got this whole thing happening) to keep blogging and doing what I do on twitter. I’ll be keeping you all updated about my new role, how it is to be a newbie and what I’m learning about leadership.

For now that’s it, thanks to everyone for their advice, support and encouragement through all of this time, I set out with the goal of working at Deloitte and in less than a week I will be!




Work in social. Yarn, beer, bikes, bipolar & a dog called Banjo.