5 Tips to Better Enjoy a Dance Party

Evan Cudworth
Evan’s Dancefloor Sabbatical
2 min readNov 27, 2015

At dance parties, people always asked me, “How do you have so much energy?” While metabolism and genuine love of dancing certainly play a part, here are five things that I’ve consciously learned how to do to make every party a more enjoyable experience:

#1. Don’t Be Yourself

This is the #1 mistake I see people making at parties. A party — by definition — is a chance to experiment. And as #millennials, we’ve been cruelly conditioned to “be ourselves” every damn day of our lives. If your party intentions are merely to “unwind” or “relax,” please kindly identify yourself by squatting in the corner with a Laguanitas and getting the fuck out of our way.

#2. Five Minute Rule

If you find yourself in one location for more than five minutes, you’re partying wrong. Deep conversations should occur during pregames and afterhours, NEVER during a dance party. Keep interactions short and sweet (and nonverbal, when possible) to maximize dance time. Make yourself omnipresent and you’ll have a greater appreciation for the scope and vibe of the party.

#3. Props are Essential

ALWAYS have a prop. This means something you can take off your body and gift to someone else (for a limited time). Hats are my signature, but parisols, scarves, and sparkly staves will also do the trick. WARNING: Over-reliance on props will turn you into a poi-boi, and no one will want to dance with you.

#4. Make Strangers Feel Like Celebrities

Approach strangers with intention. Compliment their outfits, and/or mimic their dance moves. Their smiles of gratitude are priceless (and often come with free drinks). But seriously, a great dance party is only as good as the number of spontaneous, friendly interactions.

#5. Harbor a Deep Need for Emotional Escapism

However — it should be noted that the only surefire way to enjoy a dance party is to attend with intentions to physically exorcise deeply repressed emotions through Dionysian, ritualistic, madness. There really is nothing better!

Do you have any tips for enjoying a dance party? Let me know in the comments! Dance on everyone!

