First blockchain network with its own organization: organization now has the statute and the coordination council

Thomas Mueller
Published in
2 min readAug 26, 2019

It’s official: With the organization, the Business Blockchain is now the first cross-company public blockchain network which has its legal organizational form!

We have completed its statute and formed the coordination council of the network forum on August 15th, 2019. For eight months, its initiators have intensively consulted with legal experts on the statute to meet the previously non-existent requirements of a decentralized virtual organization. For example, the organization does not have a central organization headquarter and all member meetings will take place virtually. As members of the organization, the authority node operators constitute the network forum to jointly decide upon technological and structural goals and measures.

The network forum will be chaired by a coordination council. From now on, Thomas Müller will be the speaker of the council. As CEO of evan GmbH, he also took a significant part in the conception and implementation of the blockchain from its very start. Next to him, Oliver Nägele, CEO of Blockchain HELIX AG will also represent the authority node operators within the council. Any legal entity which agrees to the agreement will be able to become an authority node operator itself in the

All tasks, currently performed by the evan GmbH as the main initiator of the blockchain will be transferred to the network organization step by step to ensure neutral administration guided by common interest.



Thomas Mueller

Initiator of the and CEO of evan GmbH. Passionate about holacracy, self-sovereign identity and the web of trust. All opinions are my own