How to create digital twins on the

Thomas Mueller
Published in
1 min readAug 9, 2019

You are a developer and want to try out digital twins on the Then the recording of the webinar “Digital Twins- From zero to hero” is certainly exciting for you.

The webinar showed how the works, what makes it so secure and how we use Smart Contracts with

We create a digital twin for a construction machine on the and show you how to use it in your own applications.

We will show you in the webinar:

  • The and its building blocks (Ethereum, IPFS, Verification Service, Digital Twin)
  • The creation of a digital twin for a construction machine
  • First steps in the Twin Generator for developers
  • An outlook on how to verify a digital twin and how to dock it to your own systems

It’s German content. So if you don’t speak German, you can use our documentation for taking the first steps.

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Thomas Mueller

Initiator of the and CEO of evan GmbH. Passionate about holacracy, self-sovereign identity and the web of trust. All opinions are my own