Analyzing Business Leaders: Bill Gates

Evan Powell
Evan Powell
Published in
2 min readSep 25, 2017

Hello again readers.

Today I will be doing the first installment of a segment I will likely be continuing in future posts called “Analyzing Business Leaders.” The title is quite straight forward. In these posts I will be identifying top business moguls in today’s society and highlighting what it took to get them where they are today. This will of course include harsh sacrifices and tough decisions made along the way that a leader of a company must make.

When choosing my first candidate to highlight I thought of no one better than one of the wealthiest men in the world, Bill Gates. If you didn’t know (if you’ve been living under a rock) Bill Gates runs a company called Microsoft. Gates saw a chance back in 1974 to transform the very expensive at the time personal computer into something easily accessible and much cheaper for the average user. In 1975, he launched his first Windows PC, and since then has been competing with Apple for the number one spot when it comes down to computer products.

Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft

A huge sacrifice Gates had to make was when he decided to originally leave his opportunity to attend Harvard University his Freshman year. Gates was attending Harvard when he aspired for something better. Quite like the story of Mark Zuckerberg, who we will surely get to on a later date, Gates left Harvard believing he could change the world and going to school would not help him do that. So Gates left with the initial goal to produce software, until he realized what potential was in store for him. Upon making the first PC, his at the time small company revolutionized the entire world, especially when the .com boom happened soon after. Within 30 years every single person in the world had some sort of computer access within minutes of them seemingly everywhere they went. This of course made Bill Gates the richest man in the world for many years, until recently when Jeff Bezos overtook him, the CEO of Amazon.

Bill Gates did not only keep his riches and live the best life he could for himself, but is also the most charitable person possibly in history. Gates quit Microsoft in 2006 to become a full-time philanthropist with his wife, Melinda, pledging to give 4.6 BILLION dollars to charities this year alone.

Bill Gates is surely one of the most inspiring cases when it comes to taking chances and them paying off for you in the end. He is also a great model of a business leader because of how selfless he turned out to be with his money, giving billions of it away just to benefit others. Gates is likely the most philanthropic business leaders we will analyze, while also being one of the most impactful.

Until next time folks.


