Leaders Unite: Let’s start this right

Evan Powell
Evan Powell
Published in
2 min readOct 2, 2017

Hello all,

Through the last few weeks I as a writer have delved into a soft skill that is of the utmost importance in my life- Leadership. Through in-depth analyzations of business leaders and real life examples, I have grown in my soft skill and my writing skills alike through this short project. In this final article I will be highlighting what I believe should be the top things you take away from these blog posts.

First and foremost one of the reoccurring themes in these posts dawn on the fact that one single failure does not define the future of your company. When starting your company or simply taking your first management position it is imperative to realize that you will not be amazing right at the start. Like all things leadership skills take time to develop through practice. It is likely when first starting out in a management your ideas may seem great, but may not be in practice. It is of the utmost importance that you can accept this and move on. Like riding a bike, it takes attempt after attempt to get the pedals of your company to get moving while staying balanced with your moral compass. As you try and fail, you will only grow and hopefully realize what went wrong so you don’t make the same mistake twice.

Another thing that should be achieved from these blogs is a model for success. I chose to do the “analyzing business leaders” posts because one of the best ways to learn is by following other people’s examples. Both Bezos and Gates are prime examples of intelligent people who turned their small idea into something amazing. What I have learned from these two people is to not give up on your idea, but rather keep developing it through feedback and statistical analytics. Bezos went through 10 years of selling different items until Amazon finally found its footing in selling books- and now look where it is. Same with Gates competing with Apple, Gates had to keep developing his PC to outsell the MAC. It surely was not an easy task, one that undoubtedly took a lot of time and effort, but in the end it paid off for him.

Leadership is my favorite skill both that I have and that I would like to get better in. Writing these blogs has helped me identify how to do so.

Lead on fellow readers.

