Fortress Announcement (2022.1.11)

Evanesco Team
Published in
Jan 11, 2022

Jan 10, 2022 Fortress Operating team discovered that had suffered hacks and fake trades from Jan 7. The illegal user conducted fake Supplies 7,330,147 EVA through this bug, resulting in Fortress Supply reaching 12,149,343 EVA.

Fortunately, the Fortress team found the hacking in time. The Fortress team is currently having an Emergency repair and upgrade to protect users’ assets.
The upgrade is expected within 24 hours and won’t affect users’ balance. Once the Fortress team completes this upgrade, you can still access all Fortress’s existing functions.

The Fortress team has locked the illegal user’s address and sought legal protection. EVA and Fortress teams have reserved the legal right to pursue the illegal user.



Evanesco Team

Evanesco(EVA) is a unique financial protocol platform in the Web3 ecosystem that combines Layer0 network infrastructure with a private computing framework.