Fortress Swap Added BSC Network

Evanesco Team
Published in
3 min readOct 27, 2021

Fortress Swap officially open up the BSC network, EVA community users can Swap BSC BEP-20 EVA to AVIS testnet token-AVS. Also, users can Swap received or minedAVS to BSC BEP-20 EVA. Open up BSC network will greatly reduce the gas fees of users who participate in EVA ecosystem.

Please check the Swap Tutorial as following:

EVA.bsc Swap AVS Tutorial:

Step One: Go, import Fortress Wallet (Or create Fortress Wallet)

Step Two: Choose BSC Network on Swap page of Fortress

Note: Please click ‘Add BSC’ to link BSC network for the first time join BSC network

Step Three: Enter EVA.bsc amount to Swap, then click ‘Swap’ and check swapped amount

Step Four: Pay Gas Fees

Step Five:Wait for success and check the balance

AVS Swap EVA.bsc Tutorial:

Step One: Go , import Fortress Wallet (Or create Fortress Wallet)

Step Two: Choose BSC Network on Swap page of Fortress

Note: Please click ‘Add BSC’ to link BSC network for the first time join BSC network

Step Three: Choose ‘AVS → EVA.bsc’, and enter amount

Note: the minimum Swap amount is 10 AVS

Step Four: Click ‘Swap’, confirm Swap amount on Pop-up window

Step Five: Pay Gas Fees after confirmation

Step Six: Check ‘Swap Record’ after 24 hrs

Step Seven: Click ‘Claim’ manually and pay Gas Fee

Note: Please check the balance after completing all steps. Please make sure that the swap address and the claimed wallet address are the same.



Evanesco Team

Evanesco(EVA) is a unique financial protocol platform in the Web3 ecosystem that combines Layer0 network infrastructure with a private computing framework.